Full text: Money in the United States

The purpose of the National Monetary Association is to 
promote, nationally and internationally, scientific study of 
the money problem in order to develop and secure general 
adherence to a practical plan for minimizing fluctuations in 
prices and the purchasing power of money, and thereby to 
safeguard the purchasing power of money. 
Immediate steps toward carrying out this purpose will be: 
1. To urge the earliest possible reestablish 
ment of the world’s currencies on the basis of 
free conversion into gold at such parities as 
may be practicable. 
2. To defend our credit and currency system 
against all attempts at political or class control 
or interference. 
j. To urge such control of currency and bank 
credit in the United States as will most effec 
tively minimize unemployment and fluctuations 
in business activity, stabilize the general price 
level and the purchasing power of money, pro 
vide loans on sound security at all times (at a 
price), and prevent favoritism and discrimina 
tion with respect to any business or financial 
interest or class. 
Application for Membership 
City and State 
hereby applies for Active Membership in The National Monetary Association (Cross out two) 
Sustaining Membership: $100.00 Active Membership: $10.00 Associate Membership: $5.00 
Applications should be mailed to 150 Nassau Street, New York City

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