Full text: Protection of maternity

Dr. Que 
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Dr. Qui 
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Dr. Quj 
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Dr. Qui 
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Dr. Quj 
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What pro 
Dr. Quj 
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Dr. Qui 
method d 
States, to] 
worded, b: 
you. Noi 
depends ii 
The Cd 
Get down; 
Dr. Qui 
opinion w 
that phys; 
I did not' 
bill ? 
Dr. Quj 
Journal f<j 
A bill for 
Now, I 
I may be 
the provis 
A believe that a physician is competent to go 
tell the people what to do in that industry; 
^ he physician is competent to go into a bank 
iat to do; I do not believe that the physicians, 
cians, are able to be soldiers and understand 
J g-o believe that the physicians who have given 
;*b medicine ought to be able to know something 
" people not qualified in that line, 
y, I have seen people cured by a good old- 
iset that the doctors had given up, and were 
ay produce a few cases of hysteria, and you 
jet. There may be some very clever people 
• of the doctors to do things, but the majority 
detent because they are so well trained. 
do you think that this bill would take any- 
3ctor X 
iderstand right, yes; and if I do not under- 
ne do you get your idea ? 
-it it takes anything away from the doctor, 
is away his personal liberties to practice and 
iion skillfully, and takes away the inspiration 
tent and better his condition in life, 
tv hat provision of this bill do you find th at d 
iat ? That would be interesting to know, 
o not do that, but they prevent it. 
dnk that you said that it took away from the 
v, just what provision does that? 
ill provides—I will read it—provides for a 
i between the Government and the several 
notion, etc. Now, as I said, it is very cleverly 
tially it is going to lead up to what I am telling 
is for “care.” Now, what is “care?” That 
,'pretation that you want to give it. 
i are referring to the general purpose of the bill, 
ic thing that the bill does. 
I have come from Massachusetts, and my 
his within the last two days, which shows you 
| able to follow legislation. I knew of this, but 
he hearing 
Nhen is the first time that you ever saw the 
is been published in the United States Medical 
mth. It says: 
ption of maternity and infancy and providing a method of 
vernment of the United States and the several States. 
i of the provisions of the whole thing. 1 think 
. :stand it by this. [Referring to the bill.] 
"Did that article in the medical journal set out 

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