Full text: Financial handbook

E. Elmer Staub, C.P.A., formerly Accounting Manager, Hudson Motor 
Car Company. Control of Current Operations. 
A. F. Stock, Assistant Treasurer and Comptroller, Manhattan Shirt 
Company. Purchasing. 
Homer N. Sweet, C.P.A., of Ey brand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery. 
Accounts and Audits. 
Thurman W. Van Metre, Ph.D., Professor of Transportation, School of 
Business, Columbia University. Transportation Rates. 
Charles F. Walden, Vice-President of T. 8. Todd & Co., Inc. Traffic 
The following have collaborated in the preparation of other sections: 
James M. Shaw, with the National City Co., New York; Paul E. 
Bacas, C.P.A.; Lester F. Blake, C.P.A.; William Diebold, B.C.8., J.D., 
C.P.A., Member New York Bar; R. G. Flachbart, C.P.A.; C. W. Gregg; 
M. D. Howell; Arnold S. Potter, C.P.A.

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