Full text: Financial handbook

Deposits 459 
Payment '. 460 
Bad Checks 
Issuing Bad Checks a Crime 464 
Important Elements 464 
Post-Dated Checks 465 
Pre-Existing Debts 465 
Procedure When Bad Check is Received 465 
Purpose 481 
Property Beyond Reach of Creditors.. 482 
Who May Claim Exemption 482 
Property Exempt 482 
Earnings for a Fixed Period 483 
Statutes of Limitations 
False Financial Statements 
False Statements Unlawful 466 
Penal Laws 466 
Interest Laws 469 
Custom of Trade 469 
Written Instruments 469 
Open Accounts 469 
Settled Accounts 469 
Rate of Interest 469 
“United States Rule” 471 
Mercantile Rule 471 
Test of a Usurious Contract 472 
Usury Laws Not Applying in Certain 
Instances 472 
Massachusetts Law 473 
Corporations Incapable of Pleading 
Usury Laws 473 
Notes for Deferred Payments 474 
Purchase and Sale of Notes at a Dis 
count 475 
Purchase and Sale of Mortgages at 
Discount 475 
Effect of Usury 475 
Statutory Remedy 476 
Basis of Writ of Attachment 476 
Property Subject to Attachment 476 
Requisites for Writ of Attachment... . 476 
Bonds of Attachment 477 
Wrongful Attachment 477 
Classification of Liens 477 
Important Statutory Liens 478 
Waiver of Liens 478 
Preference of Liens 473 
Enforcement of Liens 478 
Mechanics’ Liens 473 
Chattel Mortgages 
Passing of Title and Right to Redeem 
Distinguished from Conditional Sale. . 
Removal of Mortgaged Property to 
Another State 
Execution of Chattel Mortgages. ‘ ‘ ! 
Purpose of Recording 
Time for Filing ' ^ ^ 
Place of Filing 
Chattel Mortgage on Merchandise for 
Waiver and Estoppel 483 
When Statutes of Limitations Begin to 
^ Run 483 
Removal of Bar of Statutes of Limita 
tions 485 
Applying Payments 485 
Limitation Table 486 
Sales and Contracts to Sell 487 
Oral and Written Contracts of Sale. . . 488 
Receipt and Acceptance 489 
Subject Matter 439 
Price. 489 
Conditions and Warranties 489 
Caveat Emptor 490 
Passing of Title 491 
Negotiable Documents 492 
Performance of Contract 493 
Delivery 494 
Remedies for Breach of Contract 497 
Conditional Sales 
Default of Condition 493 
Distinctive Features 499 
Recording 499 
Recovery of Payments 499 
Who May Obtain a Patent 499 
Rights Under a Patent 500 
What May be Patented 500 
Processes 501 
Procedure to Obtain Patents . 501 
Assignment, Mortgages or License of 
Patent 503 
Infringement 503 
Protective Clause in Contracts 504 
Penalties for Infringement in Design 
Cases 504 
Trade-Marks, etc. 
Limitations of Trade-Marks 506 
Property Rights in Trade-Marks 506 
Unfair Trade 506 
Application for Trade-Mark Registra- 
t .^on. 507 
Life of Registration 507 
Procedure to Obtain Copyright....... 508 
Infringement of Copyright 509 
Requisites for Register 509 
Application 509 
Assignability ’ " ’ 510 
Notice and Infringement ’ 510

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