Full text: Investing at its best and safeguarding invested capital

Safeguarding Invested Capital, i 5 
The quantity, quality and geographical position of 
every investment, to be purchased, having thus been 
ascertained, there only remains for the investor to select 
the individual securities necessary for his purpose. 
The “ Investor’s Shilling Year-Book,”* published 
annually, gives the detail concerning the constitution 
and position of the best known investments quoted in 
Great Britain, and the “ Financial Review of Reviews,”* 
published monthly, gives full statistical data concerning 
With these particulars at hand, it is not difficult to 
make a final selection from among the stocks known in 
Great Britain. The “ Revue Financi&re Universelle,”* 
published in Paris, gives particulars of a large number 
of stocks quoted on foreign exchanges. 
With some slight application to the task investors 
will find it easy to construct their own investment 
schemes based upon sound principles. To reconstruct 
an existing list of investments, or to add fresh capital 
to it effectively, is rather more difficult. 
A list of investments should not be regarded as a 
miscellaneous collection of all kinds of products. It 
should rather be conceived as an arch composed of 
bricks that mutually support each other, and must there 
fore all be of the same size and quality, if the arch is 
to prove a lasting edifice. The task of widening, 
heightening or diminishing such an arch demands the 
exercise of expert skill; so, also, does any alteration of 
an existing investment list. 
* Obtainable from all booksellers and bookstalls.

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