Full text: Investing at its best and safeguarding invested capital

iB Investing at its Best and 
The exact status of an inquirer’s investment position 
is now clearly revealed, and a reliable estimate can now 
be made to what extent the safety of the capital and 
income involved can be improved without in any way 
altering the character of the list. 
The investor at this juncture is supplied with a 
Question Form, whereon he is asked to state exactly, 
what results he wishes his investments to produce; and, 
either by interviews or correspondence, this point is 
discussed until the real objects he has in view are clearly 
This is one of the most important points in the 
inquiry; for upon its exact definition depends the quality 
of the stocks suitable for the investor to hold. For 
instance, stocks of an entirely different quality would be 
required in each case for the investment of a trust fund 
under a will or marriage settlement, a provision for old 
age, a sum to return enough for the investor’s annual 
expenditure, or an instance in which the amount of 
income produced was immaterial and an increase in 
capital value only desired. 
When this stage is reached, the Investment Registry, 
having analysed the inquirer’s investments, and being 
acquainted with his exact requirements, is enabled to 
draw up a concrete scheme for remodelling his invest 
ment list upon the basis of Geographical Distribution, 
in such a way, that as few changes of investments as 
possible may be made. 
In some cases an immediate reconstruction can be

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