Investing at its Best and
The Registry buys each issue for cash, and sells it
to its customers, and, excepting the Registry’s profit
and the minimum expenditure incurred, the amount
thus provided by the subscribers, or lenders, is handed
over to the borrower. Under these circumstances the
borrower charges a nett, instead of a gross price, and
can afford to take less than he could otherwise accept;
the lender pays less than he would otherwise; while
the Registry is able to make a business profit for intro
ducing the actual borrower to the actual lenders, at a
minimum expense, and can thus afford to sell to its
shareholders at a discount.
The stocks thus issued have in every instance passed
the test of a thorough investigation. The terms of their
issue afford the holders ample protection for their
capital, and the issues are immediately absorbed by a
large number of bona-fide investors at prices below the
average commanded by other investments similarly well
secured. In this way a thoroughly steady and satis
factory market for them is assured.
Whenever difficulties occur, the holders’ interests
being, as above described, combined and consolidated,
are safeguarded under the experienced care of the
Registry’s experts.
Upon reviewing all these advantages the reader will
understand why the stocks issued by the Registry are
superior to, and more desirable than, other issues
apparently similar, and will recognise how the Registry’s
own stocks prove to be the safest, cheapest, and most
remunerative of their kind.