Full text: The immigration problem

ranges of Minnesota, as well as the iron ore and 
copper mining districts of Michigan, many such com 
munities are also found. The usual mining com 
munity of this character consists of a small town or 
urban center in the vicinity of which mining opera 
tions are conducted at a number of points. These 
outlying mining locations are generally connected 
with the urban center by steam or electric railroads. 
The town of Windber in western Pennsylvania, by 
way of illustration, has a population of about 9>5°° 
persons, and is the center of twelve mining camps. It 
was founded in 1897 by the opening of bituminous 
coal mines, for which purpose 1,600 experienced 
Englishmen and 400 native Americans were brought 
into the locality. With the opening of the new mines 
southern and eastern Europeans were attracted to the 
community, and at the present time eighteen races of 
recent immigration are numbered among its mine 
workers. The town of Windber proper has a section 
occupied by native Americans and three foreign colo 
nies. The outlying mining villages consist of com 
pany houses in which recent immigrants live almost 
exclusively. The southern and eastern Europeans 
have their churches, banks, steamship agencies and 
business establishments in the town of Windber itself, 
to which they go to transact their affairs and to seek 
amusement. Food and other articles are principally 
purchased in the company stores of the mining vil 
Altho not so numerous, communities of this type 
are not infrequently established in connection with 
the leading industries, such as the manufacture of iron 
and steel, glass, cotton and woolen goods. Gary, In 
diana, is an industrial community largely made up

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