Full text: The immigration problem

smelting, iron and steel manufacturing, iron-ore min 
ing, slaughtering and meat packing, bituminous coal 
mining, leather manufacturing and oil refining. The 
Cuban and Spanish races are almost exclusively wage- 
earners in cigar and tobacco factories. The Danish 
appear in the greatest number in collar and cuff manu 
facture. By far the largest proportions of the Dutch 
are employed in furniture factories, a considerable 
percentage also being found in silk dyeing and silk 
goods manufacturing establishments. The English 
and German wage-earners appear among the working 
forces of all the principal branches of industry, the 
largest proportions of the former race being engaged 
in the manufacture of gloves, woolen and worsted 
goods, copper mining and smelting, and the manufac 
ture of cotton goods, while the Germans have the 
largest numbers in sugar refining, silk dyeing, leather 
manufacturing and in the manufacture of agricultural 
implements and vehicles. The Finns are chiefly em 
ployed in copper mining and smelting and in iron-ore 
mining on the Minnesota and Michigan ranges. The 
Greek race shows the largest number of representatives 
in leather and cotton goods manufacturing and in rail 
road and other construction work. Hebrews have by 
far the largest proportions engaged in making cloth 
ing. Relatively large numbers of this race are also 
found in glove and shoe factories. 
North and South Italians are most extensively em 
ployed in silk dyeing, railroad and other construction 
work, iron-ore mining, bituminous coal mining and in 
clothing manufacturing. Larger or smaller propor 
tions of Lithuanians appear in practically all of the 
principal branches of industry, the highest percentages 
of wage-earners of this race being engaged in sugar

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