Full text: The immigration problem

available for use until the time of the next United 
States census, with the addition of a special appendix 
covering any new legislative changes that may be 
It has not been possible in every case to give credit 
to all the individuals taking part in collecting or pre 
paring material for the Immigration Commission on 
which some of the chapters are largely based. Both 
authors had an active part in directing the work. In a 
number of cases special credit has been given at the 
beginning of a chapter to the experts of the Commis 
sion who were especially active in collecting or pre 
paring material. Besides those should be mentioned 
Dr. Joseph A. Hill, who supervised the work on occu 
pations and the fecundity of immigrant women; Pro 
fessor H. A. Millis, who had immediate charge of the 
investigations on the Pacific Coast; Dr. E. A. Gold- 
enweiser, who had special charge of the investigation 
of congestion in large cities, and W. W. Husband, 
secretary, who has written also chapter ..... and F. 
C. Croxton, chief statistician, who had general super 
vision of the work of the Commission. 
In the Report of the Immigration Commission, due 
credit is given to the experts doing special work, many 
of whom, on account of their number, it would not be 
practicable to enumerate here, but whose work has 
been freely used. 
Due credit should also be given to the Commissioner 
General of Immigration for the use of statistics from 
his annual reports and two diagrams showing immi 
gration into the United States from 1820 to the pres 
ent time. 
The authors wish to acknowledge their indebtedness 
to Miss Elizabeth A. Hyde and Mrs. Franklin W.

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