Full text: The immigration problem

within a comparatively short period after landing. In 
some instances this might have been anticipated if 
the history of the patient had been known, but other 
wise there was no means of detection. The present 
law on this point seems to be satisfactory, and its en 
forcement generally good under the very difficult con 
ditions ; but it would be desirable to have a larger 
force of experts to examine, and also, if it were prac 
ticable, to provide some better means for securing the 
history of arriving immigrants. 
The tables on page 51, taken from the Special Re 
port of the United States Census, which some observa 
tions by the Immigration Commission in Bellevue and 
Allied Hospitals in New York and reports of the 
Bureau of Immigration tend to confirm, throw some 
light on the relative tendencies of certain races toward 
insanity, and show that certain aliens are more in 
clined toward insanity than are native-born Americans. 
The high ratio of insanity prevailing among for 
eign-born persons in the United States may be due, in 
a measure at least, to racial or national tendencies. 
Data showing the number of insane and the ratio 
of insanity in the principal European countries and in 
Canada are afforded by the Special Report of the 
Census Bureau. These data, together with like data 
for the United States, obtained from the same source, 
are presented on page 51. 
Racial Tendencies and Disease* 
Michael M. Davis, Jr., in his book on “Immigrant 
* The facts regarding this section have been taken from the book on 
“Immigrant Health and the Community/* by Michael M. Davis, Jr.

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