Full text: The immigration problem

Of the women who are thus imported for immoral 
purposes, either willingly or against their will, certain 
nationalities seem to be especially prominent. The 
numbers of some of the different races convicted in 
the night court have been given on page 64; but these 
convictions are, of course, no certain measure of the 
numbers or proportions of those imported. 
The motive of business profit has given the impulse 
which creates and upholds this traffic, whether car 
ried on in this country or whether the women are 
imported. The persons actively engaged in enticing 
women into the business have only profit in view. 
In securing entry into this country contrary to law, 
these women are generally brought in as wives or 
relatives of the importers. It is usually very difficult, 
if not impossible, to detect these cases; and after ad 
mission it is likewise extremely difficult to secure such 
evidence as to justify deportation. 
The system of exploitation on the part of the pro 
curers and other persons engaged in the traffic is ex 
tremely brutal and revolting, resulting almost in 
variably in absolute poverty and dependence on the 
part of the victim and usually within a comparatively 
short time in disease and an early death. 
Results of Traffic 
It is, of course, impossible to discuss in detail the 
evil results of this traffic in immigrants. Suffice it

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