Full text: Handbook of commercial geography

African Islands . . 592 
Madagascar . . 592 
dmerica . . . 594 
Trans-continental Railwa- 595 
North America , 600 
Greenland . . . 604 
British North America . 604 
A. The Dominion of 
Canada - . . 604 
B. Newfoundland . 5625 
C. The Bermudas 525 
United States . 526 
Mexico . 551 
Central America 357 
The West Indies 559 
South America . 562 
Brazil . 564 
Colonial Guiana 665 
Venezuela 565 
Colombia 566 
Ecuador . 366 
Peru . 367 
Bolivia . 368 
Chile . . . 368 
The Argentine Republic 669 
Uruguay . . 572 
Paraguay . ’ 572 
Falkland Islands 372 
iustralia and Polynesia . 573 
Australia . . . 573 
Lhe Australian States 484 
A. Victoria . ‘ 384 
B. New South Wales 685 
C. Queensland . . 687 
D. South Australia . 688 
BE. Western Australia . 689 
#. Tasmania . . 692 
Dominion of New Zealand . 693 
The Pacific Islands outside of 
\astralasia . . . 697 
New Guinea . . . 697 
Melanesia . . 698 
Polynesia . . . 698 
Germany : Post-War Commerce 7078 
Average Prices of some of the chief 
British Imports and Exports. 708 
Table of Index Numbers, United 
Kingdom, 1871-1908 . . 710 
Average prices per ton of certain 
British Imports and Exports, 
1912 and 1919 . 712 
Comparison of Average Import 
and Export Prices in the trade 
of the United Kingdom, 1912 713 
Shipping Tables . . 759 
Suez and Panama Canals Traffic 760 
Ocean Distances in Nautical 
Miles , s ; . . 761 
Transport, cost of, by rail, 
United States, 1865-89 . . 762 
Precious Metals, Production of, 
1851-5 to 1908 . ’ . 762 
Bar Silver, Price in London . 762 
Standard Coins and Moneys of 
Account “ 2 . 763 
Table showing the Total Value 
of Imports for home consump- 
tion and Exports of home 
oroduce, United Kingdom, 
France, Germany, and the 
United States, 1875-9 to 
1905-8 : . . " 
Table showing the Average 
Prices of Wheat and the Rates 
of Import Duty on Wheat in 
the United Kingdom, France, 
Germany, and the United 
States from 1870 to 1908 
Table showing the Proportions 
of the Home and Foreign Meat 
Supply of the United Kingdom 
in periods from 1890-1 to 
1907-8 ‘ te . ’ 
Table of Average Wages in 
different parts of the World 
about 1885 . . . . 166 
Table showing the Estimated 
Water Powers of different 
APPENDIX . . . . . 701 countries, available and de- 
Statistics of Imports and Ex- veloped . . . . 767 
ports of Various Countries 702-758 Metric System, Principal Units 
(mports and Exports at Irish of . . . . . 768 
Ports, 1913 and 1919 . . 706 Table showing the Area, Popula- 
Bunker Coal Shipped at British tion and Value of Exports of 
Ports for use in External Trade 707 the principal Countries and 
British Commerce: Declared commercial Islands of the 
and Computed Values in world . . v . . 769 
_ certain years . . . 707 List of Alternative Geographical 
Jnited Kingdom : Post-War Names 
Commerce .7074 IxDEX 

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