obbing, wholesale, and retail distributers, including the
■s, and in furtherance of its refusal to sell goods either
ing at less than the suggested resale prices, or to dis-
o other distributers at less than the suggested resale
pon those cards, bearing the names of such distributers,
rable—Price-Cutters,” “Do Not Sell,” or “D. N. S ” the
Do Not Sell,” or expressions of a like character, to indi-
ular distributer was in the future not to be supplied with
on account of failure to maintain the suggested resale
unt of failure to discontinue selling to dealers failing
lggested resale prices. When the company has received
ances, statements, promises, or similar expressions, as
f distributers which satisfy it that such distributers will
suggested by it, and discontinue selling to distributers
. the resale prices suggested by it, it has issued instruc-
record,” or directions of a similar import, notation of
the cards, and it has thereafter permitted shipments of
made to such distributers; and such distributers to
■e thus allowed to go forward constitute the company’s
dected” jobbers, wholesalers, and retailers; and no dis
ced on such card record as one to whom goods are
ward who fails to maintain the resale prices suggested
itributers failing to resell at such suggested price; and
olesaler, or retailer is reported as failing to maintain
1 prices, and has been entered in the card records as
lents should not go forward, respondent notifies those
s, and retailers who supply the distributer of this fact,
! specialty salesmen, and gives similar notices to such
. >, and retailers and to its specialty salesmen when rein-
le in its list of “selected” jobbers, wholesalers, and
i the view of the court, constituted a scheme to
iral flow of commerce and the freedom of com-
"'lannels of interstate trade.” If a trader would
of the Beech-Nut Company he was constrained
suggested” prices. If he failed to do so he was
;; >rted either by special agents of the company or
and to be enrolled upon a list known as “Un-
Cutters” to whom goods were not to be sold
e reinstated only when their record was “clear.”
urse of conduct a court may infer,” they said.