collector is allowed the same commisssions as on state
Every male over 21 and under 55 years of age,
except those who have lost a limb in battle, is liable
to a poll tax of $1. It is collected by the tax collector
for school purposes.
There is also a road poll tax in each county
on all able-bodied persons over 21 and under 45 years
of age, resident in the county over 30 days, except
ministers of the gospel in charge of congregations.
This tax is payable in labor, the rate being not over
8 days in each year and not more than 3 days in any
one week. This tax may be paid by substitute labor,
or commuted at the rate of SI per day. Persons
residing in incorporated municipalities are not subject
to this tax.
There are no inheritance or special corporation taxes
levied by the counties.
Counties may impose license taxes on the same sub-
jects as are so taxed by the state, but such license
taxes may not exceed 50 per cent of the amount levied
by the state.
Automobiles and other motor vehicles for hire, 10 horsepower or
less, $5; 11 to 29 horsepower, $10; 30 to 40 horsepower, $20; 41 to 50
horsepower, $30; 51 to 60 horsepower, $50; 61 to 70 horsepower, $70;
71 horsepower and over, $100; automobiles used by owner thereof
without charge, 10 horsepower or less, $3; 11 to 29 horsepower, $5;
30 to 40 horsepower, $10; 41 to 50 horsepower, $15; 51 to 60 horse
power, $25; 61 to 70 horsepower, $35; 71 horsepower and over, $50;
25 cents shall be added to each county license as the county judge’s
fee. The license year begins October 1. Fractional licenses may
be issued after April 1 at one-half price. License money goes to the
road fund.
Municipal Revenues,
a. general property taxes.
1. Base—
Cities make their own assessment of property for
taxation, but the valuation must not exceed the last
valuation thereof for state taxation.
2. Rate—
The rate is fixed by the municipal authorities, but
may not exceed 1 per cent on the state valuation ex
cept for debt charges and special purposes.
3. Collection—
Essentially the same as for state taxes.
The revenue system of Georgia is, like the revenue
systems of other Southern states, one which combines
1 This compilation is derived mainly from the following sources:
The Code of the State of Georgia, adopted Dec. 15, 1895, in three
Van Epp’s Supplement to the Code of the State of Georgia, 1901.
The Code of the State of Georgia, adopted Aug. 15, 1910. Special
Instructions to the Tax Collectors of Georgia for the year 1914.
The Session Laws each year to 1913.
There are no poll, inheritance, or special corporation
taxes levied by the municipalities.
Municipalities may in general levy license taxes on
the same class of subjects as are taxed in this way by
the state, but the rate shall not exceed 50 per cent of
the state rates.
Cities and towns may impose on any railroad within such cities
and towns a license tax not to exceed the following rates: Munici
palities of 20,000 inhabitants or more, $250; 15,000 to 20,000, $150;
10,000 to 15,000, $100; 5,000 to 10,000, $75; 3,000 to 5,000, $50;
1,000 to 3,000, $25; 500 to 1,000, $15; less than 500, $10; street rail
ways, suburban and interurban, propelled by electricity or gas,
in cities having a population of less than 20,000, $7.50 per mile;
20,000 population or more, $15 per mile.
Cities and towns may impose a license tax on express companies
not to exceed the following rates: In cities of 20,000 inhabitants or
more, $200; 15,000 to 20,000, $100; 10,000 to 15,000, $75; 5,000 to
10,000, $50; 3,000 to 5,000, $37.50; 1,000 to 3,000, $25; 500 to 1,000,
$12.50; 250 to 500, $6.
School Revenues.
Each county levies for its school fund not less than
3 nor more than 7 mills on the dollar and, by a vote of
the people, a special school tax not to exceed 3 mills
on the dollar may be levied in school districts.
The state school fund consists of the principal de
rived from the sale of lands, the interest on which is
paid to the support of schools.
All fines and forfeitures and all poll taxes are paid
into the county school fund. There is, besides, a
special constitutional tax of 1 mill levied for the sup
port of schools.
The legislature of 1913 provided for a state tax commission of three
persons, to be appointed by the governor for a term of four years.
This commission is to have general supervision over all other tax
officers and tax administration.
Numerous changes in business taxes and licenses were made.
Examination fee for all state banks, savings banks, and trust
companies is based upon the capital stock as follows: Capital stock
of less than $25,000, $15; $25,000 and less than $50,000. $20; $50,000
and less than $100,000. $25; $100,000 and less than $500,000, $50;
$500,000 or more, $75.
Nurses are required to pass an examination and to be registered,
the fee for examination and registration being $5.
An act was passed to encourage, protect, regulate, and develop the
shellfish industry within the jurisdiction of the state. A shellfish
commissioner was appointed and certain license fees and privilege
taxes to be collected by him were provided for.
a general property tax with a series of license taxes,
but, unlike some of the other Southern states, the sys
tem ol license taxes is not very extensive.
The Georgia general assembly regularly passes many
special and local acts relating to the municipalities,
etc., and the provisions of these laws often modify
materially the operation of the general laws, so far as