Full text: Excess profits duty

Assoriation of British Chambers of 
5TH MAY, 1920. 
A DrpuTATION from the Association of British Chambers of 
Commerce, and the Federation of British Industries, waited upon 
the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., Chancellor of the 
Exchequer, who was accompanied by : : 
Mr. Stanley Baldwin, M.P. (Financial Secretary to the 
Treasury); Mr. Blackett (of the Treasury); Sir John Anderson, 
Mr. G. C. Canny, Mr. R. V. Hopkins, Mr. Coates (Inland Revenue); 
Mr. R. P. M. Gower and Mr. A. F. Hemming (Private Secretaries) 
The deputation was introduced by Mr. E. MANVILLE, M.P 
and consisted of the following gentlemen : 
Association of British Chambers of Commerce, Mr. A. J. Hobson 
J.P. (President), Mr. E. Manville, M.P. (Ex- President), Sir A. F. Firth, 
Bt. (Ex-President), Sir W. E. B. Priestley, J.P. (Hon. Secretary), Mr. 
A. M. Samuel, M.P. (Norwich), Mr. G. C. Vyle (Birmingham); Mr. 
F. C. Gardiner (Glasgow), Mr. W. F. Russell (Glasgow), Mr. Stanley 
Machin, J.P. (London), Mr. H. L. Symonds (London), Mr, A. Balfour 
(Sheffield), Mr. F. L. Moorhouse (Huddersfield), Mr. Frank Moore 
(Leicester), Mr. G. A. Moore (Liverpool) and Mr. R. B. Dunwoody, 
O.B.E. (Secretary). 
The Federation of British Industries was represented by the 
following gentlemen: Mr. W. P. Rylands (President), Mr. A. K. 
Kilner, Sir Herbert Dixon, Bt., Sir W. Peat, Sir J. S. Harmood- 
Banner, M.P., Mr. F. Best, Mr. S. E. Cash, Mr. R. T. Nugent, Mr. 
S, Hebbert and Mr. B. Scott. 
Mr. MANVILLE : Mr. Chancellor this is a joint deputation of 
the Association of British Chambers of Commerce and the 
Federation of British Industries. You will recolleet, Sir, that in 
March last, you were kind enough to receive a deputation of the 
Federation of British Industries. That was the only meeting which 
that body, or the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, 
have had with you this year. 
Mr. MANVILLE ¢ It rather appeared from some remarks you 
made as though you were confounding that meeting with a previous 

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