Full text: Excess profits duty

the next Budget is on the assumption that there is no War Levy 
because you can prefer not to have a War Levy and on the 
assumption that you have got to raise from the same classes the 
equivalent of the present Excess Profits Duty and the Corporation 
Tax whether when you have worked that out in the terms of the 
flat rate, you still prefer the flat rate. : 
Mr. Hosson: We will look into that and tell you, subject to 
one qualification only. I do not doubt what the answer would be, 
except for this one qualification, which is if the state of trade was 
such that everything was seriously altered so that you yourself felt 
that to proceed with the repayment of the debt at the present pace 
was unwise or improper, we should then presume you would 
modify the amount you would demand from us to such an extent 
that you thought the country could bear at the time. Subject to 
that qualification I have no doubt about our answer. May I thank 
you very earnestly for the great amount of time you have given us, 
and for the patience with which you have listened to us: and for 
the interchange of views in the discussion which has followed our 
deputation. We greatly appreciate the fact that you have let us 
talk so freely. We know the etiquette is for us to put our views 
before the minister, and for him to reply, and for us to go away 
whether we like it or not, but you have treated us on a much more 
friendly and confidential basis by letting us discuss things in a 
heart to heart talk which we have very much appreciated. (Hear, 
The CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER : It is very much more 
useful to me when we talk in this way. 
Mr, Hosson : We are all much obliged to.you, 

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