Full text: Report of the banquet and luncheon given in honour of the representatives of the Dominions, India and the Crown Colonies attending the Imperial Economic Conference, London, Wednesday, 24th October, 1923

past, and possibly the present, and certainly they do picture 
the social life of the nation from many different aspects. The 
second point is the frequency with which one comes across 
sun-dials in gardens. The sun-dial is an impressive instrument 
if you reflect upon it, and is perhaps the greatest object lesson 
that it is possible to have as to how man should seek to 
arrange his social, industrial and international affairs if he 
would bring them into complete harmony and accord. May 
I bring to your mind the picture of the sun-dial as you see it 
on the garden lawn ? There is the surface, the flat horizontal 
face, and there is the little stile or gnomon which points at a 
certain angle towards the north star. As you look at the dial 
you find that if the stile points directly to the north star, if it 
is true, when the hour of noon comes the shadow will fall 
directly in a straight line over the figure XII. on the face of 
the dial. In other words, what does the dial teach? That 
this great universe is related with mathematical exactness, 
both as regards time and space ; that if the relationship is proper 
you have perfect unity both in the matter of time and space. 
More than that; if the dial is properly set you will find the 
angle at which it points gives you the latitude of the part of the 
world in which you are standing. More than that: you will 
find that if the stile is properly pointed to the star it will be 
parallel to the earth’s axis. By looking at this little instrument 
in a garden you will see at once the position of the earth’s 
axis, the latitude where you are standing, the hour of the 
day correctly reported, and the points of the compass given 
with exactitude. If man has been able to discover that in 
this great universe there exists a kind of relationship between 
the great space and infinite time, is it unnatural to suppose 
that in human and social relations there must also be an order 
which, if discovered, will help to bring about a perfect harmony 
as great as that ?  (Cheers.) If I may make a suggestion, 
1 would say that in human relations, attitude corresponds to 
what position stands for in physical phenomena. If the 
position is right on the dial, all the rest is right; if the 
position is wrong, all the rest is wrong; you will not get 
the correct time, you will not get the correct points of 
the compass. His Highness, in the eloquent speech he 
delivered to us this evening, spoke about good-will. He 
touched there the one note which expresses the attitude 
which affords a solution to the particular problems of the 
day. Without that attitude no problem can be satisfactorily 
solved. At our great Conference we have been gathering 
statistics, information and data of different kinds relating to 
the problems of trade and commerce, but I submit that all the 
statistics representing the trade and commerce of the Empire 

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