Full text: Report of the banquet and luncheon given in honour of the representatives of the Dominions, India and the Crown Colonies attending the Imperial Economic Conference, London, Wednesday, 24th October, 1923

It was decided to adopt the following resolutions : 
Resolution 1. 
This Imperial Economic Conference recommends the 
adoption of the first of the two schemes for the future of the 
Imperial Institute and the Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau 
proposed in the Report* of the Imperial Institute Committee 
of Enquiry, 1923, subject to the following modifications : 
(i) That in order to ensure that the reconstituted 
Imperial Institute may in future undertake in its labora- 
tories only preliminary investigations of raw materials for 
the purpose of ascertaining their possible commercial 
value, and to ensure that investigation or research of 
a more extensive kind may be referred to the appropriate 
authority, whether in this country or elsewhere in the 
Empire, there shall be formed a small Committee of the 
Governing Body to be known as the ¢ Laboratory Com- 
mittee,” consisting of the Comptroller-General “of the 
Department of Overseas Trade (or his nominee), the 
Secretary of the Scientific and Industrial Research Depart- 
ment (or his nominee), and a Fellow of the Royal Society, 
being a representative of that Society on the Governing 
Body of the Imperial Institute, who will supervise the 
laboratory work of the Institute and report thereon from 
time to time to the Governing Body. 
(ii) That, with a view to ensuring that in future the 
reconstituted Institute may have expert assistance in 
regard to finance, e.g., in establishment matters, a repre- 
sentative of His Majesty’s Treasury be added to the new 
Governing Body and to the new Managing Committee 
proposed in paragraphs 100 and 101 of the Report of the 
Imperial Institute Committee of Enquiry. 
Resolution =. 
This Imperial Economic Conference approves the estimate 
of the cost of maintaining the reconstituted Institute as set out 
in paragraph 5 of the memorandum by the Secretary of State 
for the Colonies submitted to the Conference (LE.C. (23)—18); 
and suggests that in order that the sum of £8,000, which is 
proposed as an annual contribution from the Dominions and 
India, may be obtained, the ministerial representatives of the 
Dominions and of India. advise their respective legislatures to 
contribute the following annual amounts for a period of five 
years : 
Canada vis a rev 2,000 
Commonwealth of Australia ... 2,000 
New Zealand} ors ori 1,200 
* This Report will be published in due course. 
f On the understanding that New Zealand is willing to raise this 
amount to £1,500, provided that the Exhibition Galleries of the Institute 
are retained. 

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