[In the case of goods exported to Colonies,
preference to British goods, the following portion of t
dealing with origin should be struck out.]
(Delete whichever of 3 (a) or 3 (b) is not applicable. If 3 (a) is
used delete 4 and 5. If 3 (4) is used insert required particulars in
4 and 3.)
3. (a) That every article 3
mentioned in the said invoice has
been wholly produced or manu. been either wholly or partially
factured IN (B)....rs erence... produced or manufactured in
rt a RON ttt tine a meh boa
4. As regards those articles only partially produced or manu-
factured in (6)
not granting
he certificate
(b) That every article
mentioned in the said invoice has
(a) That the final process or processes of manufacture
have been performed in that part of the British Dominions.
(b) That the expenditure in material produced in (6)........,
STR aR vette and/or labour performed in {B)........coiveeirir ake
calculated subject to qualifications hereunder, in each and
every article is not less than one-fourth of the factory or works
cost of such article in its finished state. (See note.)
(I Note.—In the case of goods which have at some
stage entered into the commerce of or undergone a process
of manufacture in a foreign country only that labour and
material which is expended on or added to the goods after
their return to the United Kingdom shall be regarded as
the produce or manufacture of the United Kingdom in
calculating the proportion of United Kingdom labour and
material in the factory or works cost of the finished article.)
That in the calculation of such proportion of produce or
labour of the (B)ui.vcinneerereeerasiss none of the following items has
been included or considered :
“ Manufacturer’s profit or remuneration of any trader,
agent, broker, or other person dealing in the articles in their
finished condition ; royalties ; cost of outside packages or any
cost of packing the goods thereinto ; any cost of conveying,
insuring, or shipping the goods subsequent to their manufacture.”
Dated ate... veiivieisiinn. this
X0:i seen:
Witness... 0... Signature... i. iviinnhi. a
(x) Here insert manager, chief clerk, or as the case may be.
(2) Here insert name of firm or company.
(3) Here insert name of city or country,
(4) These words should be omitted where the manufacturer or
supplier himself signs the certificate.
(5) Bere insert particulars of any special arrangement.
(6) Insert ““ United Kingdom ” or name of other part of British
Sev Eee wey dae seers QBY Oferrreservinsrene
Women's Printing Society, Ltd., 31, Brick St., W. 1,