made to jobbers with the establishments the larger part of whose
sales were made to retailers:
Establishments the
larger part of whose
fiom sales were to—
Jobbers. | Retailers.
Number of estab ments. ee mmm mein tim = = = == 's wewie man 13 40
Amount Of Neb Salon... eich nbn nse ne nse enemas SD 50S, A0GNNSY, 559, 171
Amount of manufactoring profif.. ......... coco eaieesiiancienar iene aa il $197, 200 $609, 890
Average per cent iof manufacturing profit... ...cociiiiiniii ities 7.40 6. 38
Amountof ANAL DrOfil. ou. vy vensesrsnrnrsmsrrennsrersnasnnsvsnsnsinmanssssnmee-olll S199 GOO $5486, 772
Averagoper conb of IMAL Profil, ......covssisnrsssonssannesrensnnimvsanmmnss vn mnn 7.07 5.72
Amount of administrative eXpense.. ....scsuees asssssossnsrsanssnssnavenon: suns $68, 056 $267,021
Average per cent of administrative expense. ......ccucuveenvnnsasnsnnsssnnnannns 2.62 2.80
Amaount of Selling eXPOIISe. .. oui. iis ile suns means va enn x ae wesw wand $120,514 $846,763
[Average per cent of Selling EXPENSES. ...c rr. snrue i ares assnsnsnsncs I sees 4.98 8. 86
The impression very generally prevails that establishments which
sell direct to retailers realize larger profits than those which sell to
jobbers, but so far as is shown by the data collected in this investi-
gation, the contrary is found to be the case. It will be seen by the
table that the 13 manufacturers selling mostly to jobbers had an
average manufacturing profit of 7.40 pe cent and an average final
profit of 7.07 per cent, based on net sales; and that the 40 manufac-
turers selling mostly to retailers had smaller percentages of profit—
6.38 per cent manufacturing profit and 5.72 per cent fool profit.
The smaller per cent of profit earned by the manufacturers selling
mostly to retailers is accounted for by their higher selling expense,
which averaged 8.86 per cent of the net sales, while the average
selling expense of manufacturers selling mostly to jobbers was 4.98
er cent.
2 The considerably higher percentage of expires for selling in the
case of manufacturers selling mostly to retailers was to some extent
due to the fact that some of these manufacturers had recently
changed their method from selling to jobbers to selling to retailers.
dn the process of building up a trade with retailers an establishment
incurs large expense, and therefore it may at the beginning have small
profits or perhaps losses, but after it has established a steady trade
with retailers, its profits may be greater than they were when the
larger part of its product was sold to jobbers.
The usual time and cash discount to jobbers is 3-10 (that is, 3 per
cent discount on bills paid in 10 days) and 2-10-60 (2 per cent on
bills paid in 70 days), and to retailers is 8-10 and 7-10-60. Table 40
shows that 2 tin gave an actual discount of 8 per cent or
over, 11 an actual discount of betwoen 7 and 8 per cent, 15 concerns
{from 6 to 7 Ie cent, 10 between 5 and 6 per cent, 3 between 4 and 5
per cent, 11 between 3 and 4 per cent, 8 between 2 and 8 per cent, and
4 between 1 and 2 per cent, 1 establishment not reporting. Because
of special discounts allowed, the actual discounts taken were in some
cases higher than the discount usually allowed.
Good salesmanship.—It was stated that if a salesman travels the
same territory every three months he must carry new styles. Often