Full text: The women's muslin-underwear industry

PER Hour, AND NumBer Working SpEcrienp WEEKS, BY OccuPrATIONS, IN Two 
EstaBLisuMENTS IN NEW York Crry, Aprir, 1913, 10 MARCH, 1914, INCLUSIVE. 
Average earn- Number of em: 
Dee : be ployees working 
Aver- Le ki, specified weeks year. 
ab- [ber of weeks o Bs = = oo 
Occupations. lish- | em- worked TBs Bg Ry S| 
ment ploy- during Per Por BL g54 gn £% 54 2g 
No. | ‘ees. © year. woek. | hear. = 3 © 2 = > 2% |g 3 $e 
AP 8g | 8g | 8g Ez B 
Po = < 3 2 2 
1 41 12.32 $6.23 [80.136 25 re 3 
LaYorsaill «a zu peentnnzier ol ‘3108 es 6 1 El . 
A v1 17) 82.12 18.46 | .385 3 5 i 
Cutters..............-------lilkgio | 15 Wo sslie.00 | (350 gil CTR. on. ! 
Cutters, scallop............. 1 4039. 7500 7.34 { .157 Ll cr lle = Twn es 1 i 
IDOE. a dln ar nninn 2 M51. 330 8.20 | 1769.1 ee inns ie > 
Operators, chemises. ....... 1! 10 38.10" 9.09] .219 LA L lok i 6 
Operators, corset covers and 
COMbINALIONS «+n vnneneey 1 3 36.79 0.310.225 2) wl al gg 
Operators, drawers. ....... | i 9 a7 0s % z 1 2 3 3 12 
: 7 3, oad : 2 
Operators, nightgowns. .... { 2a By. sal 0.151). Feo I, wl i 
Operators, princess ips. } | 2 it 2 19 2 on 1 : 10 7 
he ; -s1 | C50 5 50 1 
Operators, skirts............n 0 50 50 57781 10.54 oo 18 i 2! : 
Operators, HgIag. eenenenne| i 2 2 2.74 21 1 5 2 7 
Operators, tuckers.......... 2 21 29.38 12.06 al 1 I wy 2 
Operators, lace renters... SEIS SOR 880 2004 BL... 2 fo 108 
Operators, embroidery......, 1 220029. 74W 9.730 . 226 5 4 2 1 31 
OD Se) 1 4RN40. 25010. 12 . 236... ....]. ..... 1 1.5. 
Operators, ruffle setters. .... 1 OINN41. SOB 11. 5400. 2738. ..... Be losenas 3 2 
Operators, hemstitchers. . .. 1 3 33.C0 10.76  .260 Loerie finn en]snninas Zils das 
 cratocs. BoTninpts 1 2027. 50M 7.750 17s)... Caf 
as Bere 2 GLI 18. 720.708... XM 8 | 14 PRN T 10 
Sos storie AE IRS RL] 1 Iolo 
Operators, button sewers. .. 1 8 36.330 6.11 [1] .132 Li Jvee rele comenfereenn 1 1 
Operators, special machines i | G51 250. 8508 2088... LL a 
; WELW 46. 3a00. sol ami il-. of Tritt, 1 
Operators, lancy Work... ... SHEE = 7 lo. 00l cE eA 
Operators, high class....... 2 DE 44 SONNYS G20... alee na 1l..ae. 1 2 5 
Operators, samples. ....... | SHEET. CORE 9.99% .213 |. .....  Lemedeceera]one. 4 
Operators, not classified. . - 14 14.16 8.03 | .188 23 9 6 1 3 2 
Markers... 13.47 4.67] .103 9 4 1 Bi fate 
Embroiderers. ......... 2 21.00 8.16 | .181 negroes: 1 reaps Sa 
i 5 22.980 "8.27 | .185 | 2 8 9 
Bibboners............. ponnenl ol Bl oT ls] 1] 4] w 
ot 16 32.04 8.04 .170|...... 7 3 2 3 
Trimmers. ............. 82 3m sa) lie) Slt Lot If 
; 3 20.65 7.27 | .159 Sia 1 4 8 i 
Exominers. ........... 50 m2.04 soll 17a] ul al i = Bs | 
i; st 24.61 894.206 21! 10 2 J 
Pressers............... 40.2401 520.7. TW © 1 2 5 7 
Folders............... 9 "6.05" 5.18 ff, 197 16 | 2 eh. 
Total 614 | 28.80 | £77] .202| 158 | 190 a8| 42] 120] 146 
Sizr-ciris 536 | 25.80 | 9.66 | 1.193 i89| ‘66| 51] 30| 63| 137 
Aggregate... 1,150 | 27.41 | 0.18 ].......| 347 | 166| 99| 72 | 1s3 | 288 
! For employees only in the following occupations, all of whom were time workers: Layers-up, cutters, 
slopers, buttonhole workers, trimmers, and examiners. 
In both establishments the regular working time was 50 hours a 
week. During the 12 months there were 614 employees on direct 
labor in establishment No. 1 and 536 in establishment No. 2, but 
many of them worked for only a short period, in some cases for a week 
only or less. 
In both establishments the total number of wecks that the em- 
plogees in each direct labor occupation worked was recorded, and, 
y dividing the total number of weeks by the number of nplogees; 
the average number of weeks worked during the year was found.

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