Full text: The women's muslin-underwear industry

Letter of submittal. ........... 5 
Totroduction. oc. NNR NE SE DS 7 
Women’s clothing Industry. ... eer ————"— 9 
Scope and method of investigation. «. ee ee enn e esse eens 13 
Copltal, profit, and tamever. £1 
Cost and profit, by establishments. ............ouuueeeeeeeeennaaann.. 23 
Cost and profit, by specified unite... 25 
Manulactming conditions... lis ii vee tin 27 
Simplified costoceonmting. re ir eth ene eens nn weal 28 
Sellitemelboly i ne 29 
Machlnerymmedh os 30 
Monufseluring processes... oi. a a 31 
Eniployees and Wages. co. i. cil san or er main hn sn baa wi 32 
Rofoly apPUIRERN. ruts dit tance wn mr nen is ss aie va 32 
eave ol emloyeost et i Aa a a 33 
Becistrartoneoldesions 0 CT eh ea 34 
Machine-made lace and embroldery..............c.ccoeeu ia, 35 
Importsand exportm loo ive. Ll a a 36 
Suggestions for increasing foreign trade. ..eooeeuee. iii... 37 
Chapfer I.—Capital, profit, snd turnover.......... ee 38 
Chapter IT.—Cost and profit, by establishments. ......................... 45 
Chapter III.—Cost and profit, by specified units. .........ccoenenon..... 81 
Chapter IV.—Manufacturing and selling.......ceeeeueeenneunneennannnn... 114 
Monulbetiring conditions... Loita ie 114 
Simplifiedicont aceommilngii.. oo ain, sera te i 118 
Solllvemethodn oe bn iS ih a ee 124 
Chapter V.—Machinery and Processes. - .....eeeeeeeeeeemeeeeeeseennnennns 136 
Achim Na a ie eer so I op 
NA CITING PIOCERIOE. ; ovsersersssssnsssnsissarsnsnsss inne I08 
Chapter VI.— Working conditions... ......ceiieeeinrsnssonsasnnnnninnns 143 
ONE ne ar ed 143 
WV celly ond MOWly WARES. oo 0 vores smamnnes sons s soe seim in sin 145 
Safety anlinsioet ii... oc er 148 
Wellwootemploveen. o.oo oe a a 149 
Chapier VIl—Sisledestoming.. ..... .... 0. 05 0 es aad 152 
Traperanes of desliming. oe...» oemonnn terrasse ne 100 
Beglurationofdesigne. oo. 0 na 153 
Chapter VIIT.—Machine-made lace and embroidery. ...................... 156 
Chapter IX.—Foreign trade.......... ..... ~~. 164 
Imports and exports of wearing apparel. ...................coceeennn. 164 
Imports into outlying territories and foreign American countries... .... 172 
Suggestions for increasing foreign trade - . coor nena. 181

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