Full text: The women's muslin-underwear industry

Tapre 23.—PrrcENTAGE OF Cost oF Eacm Seecrriep Item, Axo Prorir or Loss, Basep on NET SALES, BY SEPARATE ESTABLISH- OF 
meNTS—Continued. = 
Group II.—Establishments in New York City having net sales of $100,000 and less than $200,000. 
All. | No. 15. | No. 16. No. 17. | No. 18. | No. 19. | No. 20. | No. 21. | No. 22. [No.23. (No.24. |No.25. | No. 26. 
NOL BRIER sae tes nmr e ad a canna ts onan snes 100-00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 109.000 100.00 | 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 
Baw Inatarial. oo at et ins ca aud ann ds sess sare an se memee al 09:95) (56.16. 62,90 1 59.00 76.13 | 64.64 63.74 | 64.72 56.07 57.00 | 70.42 | 53.40 45.18 
Direct labor: | 
ie ee 17.43 | 17.99 | 19.26 | 18.05| 12.22 | 12.01 18.65 | 19.24 | 20.01 | 19.36 | 12.46! 21.34 16.32 
Paid toIContrRelors. ... oe. i cde sa hese ee maa a SBE lS 0 BE le saa es anata ny AL 
Total es de sae a aR a LEAT 0g 10.98 1 in2.a5 05 20 21.56 18.65) 19.24 | 20.01; 19.36 27 21.34 16.32 
Indirect labor: 
Salaries of officials. «oo. ciee ey 1.23 1.49 3.63 .97 1.88 1.32 2011 . 86 .93 .55 S73 raat, 1.80 
LEO Ap ER Ge SMR aL 2.04 2.27 2.8 Lal Tse. 1.72 3.22 2.77 2.49 1.07 1.03 4.41 
177 He Tt JEN Le 0 3.27 3.76 6. 46 2.081 1.88 1.32 3.83 4.08 3.70 3.04 1.80 1.03 6.21 
Factory expense: 
RS BURL CE Sm RO SR 1.58 3.27 1.81 1.46 84 .78 1.68 1.02 1.68 1.38 .81 1.58 2.74 
Power, heal, HEht. ......c.ocecerminrsnisincsenn a sanannsbnnanasel .40 .64 .42 .46 .58 .42 SB aL +55 .36 .08 .57 .33 
ROPAIS. a ceanenane esd oeaanamcaa stare nese ssna sana sannneal 14 .10 +11 .08 .20 .18 2 re .10 .12 .42 .10 
Depreciation. «vue eens .30 .49 .32 .40 .19 .10 “44 A7 .36 .23 .36 .32 .32 
Biro INSUIANCE. -......  esxasessenmsssrassn sss ness enon sannsn 15 .26 .20 .25 .10 .15 .33 .03 .09 .09 .25 .07 .19 
DENI faotOTY EXPENSE. oo si cease nnen sn sssnnisscnbnsasznsiansene .16 LIOR .32 75 «35 aa vA Dan di ena le te ae SZ ie oa wa 
Total. ... Fp Re BN a LR a CRIES 2.73 | 4.86 | Eo 2.97 2.66 1.98 | 2 1.62 2.68 2.16 1.624 3.23 3.59 
~dministrative expense: 
Salaries ofoiidiale. ..... 0. de 97 2.99, .33 7 57 WI en0 .37 .93 1.10 1.37 1.42 .98 
BAINES OR OMCe JOTCB. ol. vib eens ens rama nndn sans znn sn sms .76 .99 .81 SL .52 1.83 +33 .83 .34 .49 96. iin 
Rent, general office. ..........coomuniieniiiiacinnn ieee eannae 35 1.09 11 .48 .19 .21 .04 .10 .28 .20 .22 79 .51 
DICE EXPENSE. ssa rnas-nsnervesnsvsnsanzmrssast esas ae snes .36 +19 .44 “27 14 7 .30 .15 .34 .52 .45 . 66 .37 
[NSUrance, except fire. ..... cove deeeesnnsaaiasanennteaannnnans! Oa. fe en ee Te ain onin vim .02 02iiv. ns .09 WoL .04 
OHO ION BX PONE. . ans nenesesssnnssansnrmmsnnsussnssavansessies .04 .05 LOL | aoer .04 .05 LLL alas arn .03 13 .06 
GEG LG Ge Ee De Su Re IRR [Ee ee PELE 45 .67 .10 1.99 .67 1.61 .40 .09 0 Td ad. .02 
PO RO Sc us sn smn t ae hmmm Am ela 3 time 2 er 02 Liceenss SR xen aes Ler dle a mine se Ni Th sl 11 Ie 2 eae 
Dither Administrative CXDOBER. - - - cs os crssrunzasasamssnaiinasnns (TO .20 15 .32 .57 Tec ors 4a, an 102 .08| 3.56 1.09 
Potala nn see rn nmain rossi nanan nn cena nn nn 3.70 | 6.18 1.97 4.94 | 2.18 3.43 2.73 1.46 2.63 3.28 3.39 8.64 3.07 
Selling expense: 
Salaries of officials. ......cueuemeiiiiiniiii eal 15] 1.98 L21 |. .62 04 1.01 1.27 «53 .93 .55 L830 8.28 
Commision and expeiss. L.-T 2.94 3.86 1.30 | 5.09 +94 1.23 3.51 |- .70 5.09 4.09 L811]. 3.84 3.76 
Water om Tm Ce gle Lhe SRE le na | Le ea 
Rent, show and shipping r00mS. ««euueenneeinneiiiiana eens . 56 1.09 .20 97 .28 -26 .38 .10 . 56 .39 44 «79 1.12 
Flreinsuranee......... 00 eee sae a .10 L13 SMA... .12 .09 2A 01 .04 .02 .33 YE 
Packing €ases, ee... coueererscnnariiannn niin eae .22 .10 . 56 .34 .04 .32 223... «11 .29 .30 .07 .28 
Cartage, freight, outward. .....ceeeonnnmnnooaiiiiiiii a W17 .40 225 12 dB (rae ona e 2 lee mes Lethe pe (a 1 .45 i] 
LY on Cri TR S14 eerie see rae ee en L080... «05 lo se wnan) iti 1.06 .16 
Other Selling OXNOHE. J dln. ae rns sites nnn nin aia pile a's .52 e850 [neat .32 .20 BZ lLlLe AL La se Da SD, A 1.22 
Lotai.. RR a Tee A MA en Sl 6.98 9.14 | 4.26 8.06 2.95 4.14 6.77 2.41 7.16 6.05 4.30 9.81 14.99 
Total manufacturing and selling. ......ccoeeeeeeeeeennnunnna... 94.87 | 98.09 | 97.77 | 95.16 | 101.09 | 97.07 | 98.94 | 93.53 | 92.25 0. 89 . . F 
ER .06 ap 8 a 
Deduct increase in stock of 00AS. «uuuuneuununnnnneeniiniiinnnannn, BR LL 4.67 «BT Neca rv ann]itt HL. BT 1.42 2.068 fue. mT. 48 LL 
Add decrease in Stock of 2000S... .... cee iie dies eas ea] 545 3 coe reel vin sna mimpeininn munch dB EE cls inst hmm sais Jnime wan | (RRO iw ae fii a : 
COSEOTZOC  S0I..euv rv versersersnssessensensansessaneenesans | 94.00 | 103.58 97.80 | 63.58 | 96.42] 96.20 | 100.05 | 92.02 00.83 | ss.o1 | 08.30 | 90.57 | 89.36 
Mann aeturing Profil. cn. - oor mrcebe rennet prensa wwaiae sin ns 6.00 | 13.54 2.20 A 6.42 3.58 3.80 1.05 7.98 9.17 | 11.79 1.70 0.43 | 3 
Miscellaneous income (add to profit; it .49 1.12 oeroiileesesseslensnsereisacsanslossrsmpesioonsvarelounreosnlevevasest’ | Sa12 Beant 
Interest paid on current loans (deduct from profit; add to loss)..... LA8 .25 IS .26 or Sg .38 25 +13 eee 2.03 
Final profit... ..c- etree oy 12.42 1.95 6.24 3.58 3.54 1.37 7.98 8.79 | 11.54 4.69 9.43 | 8.61 
L Loss. 

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