Full text: The women's muslin-underwear industry

TABLE 23.— PERCENTAGE oF Cost oF EAce Seecrrrep Item, Axp Prorrr or Loss, Basep oN NET Saurs, BY SEPARATE EsrTABLISH- OP 
mENTs—Continued. < 
Group IV.—Establishments in New York City having net | Group V.—Establishments outside New York City having net sales 
sales of $400,000 and over. of less than $100,000. 
Lews, - . — e— nnd 
All. |No. 38. | No. 39. | No. 40. | No. 41. | No. xe. 43. All, |No. 4. No. #5. No. 46. | No. 47. | No. 48. | No. 49. | No. 50. 
Nebsales. .... .oeaeeeieasiesinsnnsnnsensnnnnaav 100.00 (100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 1060.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 
Rowminterile, seein I ms 0 | 228 | BL0B | 7007 |! BAR 55.44 | 48.01 57.33 | 54.87 | 50.42 57.96 Ct 54.33 | 61.58 | 54.28 
Direct labor: 1 
Wages eaters denne rasan 4. 43 8.08 | 19.13 7.911 7.71] 17.45) 19.93 | 17.44] 21.02 | 22.45 | 12.20 | 13.30 | 21.68 | 16.48 17.20 
Pal 10 COMITACIOTS. ove ein nen 4.54 2.84 4.08 62/0 15.53 |... [id 00) ae eee al iL 
ota)... eee es dn nna rean 18.97 | 10.92 | 23.21 8.53 | 23.24 | 17.45 | 23.97 | 17.44 | 21.02 | 22.45 | 12.20 | 13.50 | 21.68 | 16.48 17.20 
Indirect labor: : } | 
SatarieSef oficlaleens sor onroers bs einncs er nennr] .88 2.61 .53 1.19 . 56 72 .48 1.88 1.48 1.21 1.58 3.24 3.00 1.38 .88 
Wages. ..onuninnananncinessnsa sans asnannraaas 2.39 1.00 .49 1.59 1.17 4.46 ; 3.57 2.86 3.45 3.01 8.65 |.0.c.. 2.84 4.36 2.96 
al nse aman aster amr pans 3.27 3.61 1.02 2.78 1.73 | 4.05 4.74 4.93 4.22 5.23 3.24 5.84 5.74 3.84 
Factory expense: 
Rent. i i in RR aie 1.24 .40 2.55 3.02 1.16 .70 1.48 1.20 1.08 2.91 1.01 1.01 1.31 .96 .84 
Powar, heat, Heht. ......oeoncaulianuailll oon, .25 .22 .26 .24 .14 33 «27 .89 . 64 .92 1.01 .43 .94 .90 1.18 
SL AE SR CE 07 .09 .13 .07 .03 .08 .06 .34 .38 .24 . 26 .12 .53 .60 .16 
Depreciation... ......... hava ee aes +25 .19 .32 .30 19 .28 .22 .44 1.55 .42 .42 21 .36 .60 .16 
ETE .19 .22 .18 .30 .04 20 .20 22 .10 .45 .33 .14 3 .24 .26 
Dither factory eXpense..... cress eesnsnsssnass .34 .09 .73 .18 .13 70 22 028 {nore nal S40 .28 .20 BO Jus 
Total. os SPIES TN ty, 2.34 | 1.21 | 4.17 2.11 1.69 2.30 ] 2.45 | 3.32 | 3.75 5.43 3.03 2.19 3.45 | 3.90 2.60 
idministrative expense: 
Salsriesof officials... ..c...c.coinaaiiiaa dana, .39 BY fees BS... L168 eon 1.19 1.20 1.21 70 1.83 La... 1.76 by 
Salaries of OICO TOrCa. « ----« cvc con varanennansaal) .44 .65 75 47 58 Lilcadg 4 .96 .65 2.09 2 eas 1.15 .62 1.50 <4 
Rent, general office........................... 0 07 07 .10 .07 AT fda .05 .12 .09 .49 .06 14 .06 .12 .06 
Office BXDENSe. ......eaeseeenannnennnnsnnnennens 25 15 .19 .21 .09 .39 .34 .46 .37 37 .45 .30 79 . 36 .46 
fnsuranee,iexeept fire..................... LL. .06 .03 .01 .01 .02 37 .08 .08 OZR Sl er ola aie ol .08 .30 .04 
S0lleCtioN GXPeNSe. . . oan aan ane nn mre mea .04 .09 .02 Od. .06 .04 fee ete) na. Jal. 
BRAGS ale .36 .09 .57 .86 .43 .21 18 AG... .18 330... .02 SBA LL 
Other administrative eXpense.....-........e...' .20 07 .37 25 .33 32... al +20 .61 edhil.o oie, .22 .03 BIL) 
Li TT TN fo 1.83 2.02 2.01 2.49 1.57 2.31 1.19 3.23 3.21 4.65 2.46 2.49 3.7 2.58 3.84 
Selling expense: i ’ malas] Fne yy wp ag] 20] nasil 1.98 
Tolan, pmgessssssssesssssess] SION S| 100] LE lgapl 28) BITTE Lol ff cl f®| Sm 2g) 4m 
Comution sud exiedis py sess rs li Mae aE 1 | 2h Tul al Tel val.) “se 13 
BEDS. 5. po sage sean papi ions srs emp ner marnyns] | TY 7 5 wiv : .26 .63 97 .19 . . . . 
Rent, show and shipping Fo0mS. ......------| -58 0 a 2 a yr ze ‘12 S03 i327 1B .10 07 .12 -08 
Fire INSUTAN®. . ..ceevusssnsssnsessonnemnneesl +18 11 17 Wil aeil ey  D .34 79 .49 ed taal wn 24 
Packing Cases, 600... c.nounremnmnnzsncnmanmnmnnn +48 sot 7% alg KS 30 55 [49 14 -08 .25 .20 .54 
Cartage, freight, outward. .........cc.ocoovuenes -29 -2 106 02 z 17 103 03 Pe J SER ee 
Fy 205 hl er 03 RI LT a 
Dther Selling expense. ......ccoereeazusamsnaaas’ nt ea a . hd : | ee rs = ro 
BOt8lersssreereoesersreerrnrrrsssserseeees BA G8 won| ant] Swfmw| reo) sar) si 0) BT LoL EL 
= | : 0.50 | 92.16 | 99.55 | 96.85 | 91.05 
Total manufacturing and selling. ............. 91.94 | §7.35| 91.24 | 00.29 | 80.86) 94.78 | 94.77 A 
Cost of goods purchased... oo... ooooonnineanaanns 16 fanaa] eli ire] te imi he zal ren l........| 236 4.51 .01 
Deut increase, in stock Of £00. 11111111 eo -79 rh Das : nr ane : 
Add decrease in stock of g00dS. -......coeoeiaaiiiinn NE 00 |--zzasrel E88 feorrn-o|-n- on i SME SEE et ve : 
Cost 0f 200dS SOI. nunc eeaenmsaaanananannnnnns’ 92.05 | 86.56 95.24 89.92 | 91.31 | 92.83 93.76 [ane unl 59 PT 
—_—l ee ee ee mm EEE SE ET ¥ 2.81 | 7.46 8. 
Manufacturing profit. ......cocooeooiiiioaiiaonannn 7.95 | 13.44 4,76 | 10.08 8.69 17 6.24 7.31 8.44 4.22 | 12.01 7.84 
Miscellaneous income (add to profit; deduct from ot : 13 EL ly eee 12 
efitont inky on euzvent Vonns (Aeduys Sivis prof 04 wl ue] some lumina ml wl om] sel. 
add 101088)... .eeuarnnnaa annals he mae eee ee ie] Se mw 
eT = = 9! Ls . 
Final profit. ...cccuenvnnanennannnnranenanas 7.03 | 13.44 4,72 | 10.08 8.54 6.38 3.53 6.95 6.77 4.22 | 11.76 : - 
a Bien depen nl my 0) Ty LL bio i 

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