Object: Warehouses in foreign countries for storage of merchandise in transit or in bond

claim his goods ; after that time he is fined. Goods received “ to 
order ” may, however, remain in the custom-houses for a period not 
exceeding one year. When they are withdrawn for introduction into 
the country the fees fpr storage are computed at a rate of 3 centavos 
per silver sol (1.46 cents per 48.7 cents) of duties payable on the con 
signment, and must be paid before delivery of the goods. 
"When merchandise is intended for reshipment or reexportation, 
however, I am assured by the authorities that no charge whatever 
is made for storage during the first year of their stay in the ware 
houses; after that period they are subject to a monthly charge of 
1 centavo per 10 soles (.0049 cent per $4.87) of such duties as might be 
chargeable on the consignment were it intended for importation into 
the country. Fractions of months are considered as months in assess 
ing charges. 
A. L. M. Gottschalk, Consul. 
Callao, Peru, August 9,190

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