Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

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Information Regarding Ontario’ s Minerals 
from official published statement of the 
Department of Mines 
NTARIO, with its 407,262 square miles, contains many millions of Dividends and bonuses paid to the end of 1925 amounted to 
O acres in which the geological formations are favorable for the $48,338,004 for gold mining companies, and $91,951,725 for silver 
occurrence of minerals, 70 per cent. of the area being underlain by rocks mining companies, or a total of $140,289,729. 
of pre-Cambrian age. The phenomenally rich silver veins of Cobalt, 
Gowganda and South Lorrain occur in these rocks: so also do the far- MINING REGULATIONS 
famed nickel-copper deposits of Sudbury, the gold of Porcupine and A miner’s license costs $5.00 per annum, and entitles the holder to 
Kirkland Lake, and the iron ore of Magpie and Moose Mountain mines. stake out in any or every mining division three claims of 40 acres each. 
After performing 200 days’ assessment work on a claim, patent may be 
ECONOMIC MINERALS obtained from the Crown on payment of $2.50 or $3.00 per acre, 
In addition to the above, practically all economic minerals (coal depending on location in unsurveyed or surveyed territory. 
and tin excepted) are found in Ontario: —actinolite, apatite, arsenic, 
asbestos, cobalt, corundum, feldspar, fluorspar, graphite, gypsum, iron ASSAY OFFICE 
pyrites, lead, mica, molybdenite, natural gas, palladium, petroleum, The Provincial Assays Office at No. 5 Queen’s Park, Toronto, 
platinum, quartz, salt, talc and zinc. This Province has the largest is maintained by the Department of Mines for the free identification 
deposits on the continent of tale, feldspar, mica and graphite. of minerals, free assays under the provisions of the Mining Act of Ontario, 
Building materials, such as ornamental marble, limestone, sand- and also for general assay work, as per the Schedule of Charges which 
stone, granite, trap, sand and gravel, lime, Portland cement, brick and may be obtained on application. 
tile, meet every demand. 
MINERAL PRODUCTS } The Department maintains, at Cobalt, an ore sampling and testing 
Preliminary returns show the output of the mines and metallurgical laboratory which is now prepared to receive parcels of gold ore from 
works of the Province for the year 1925 to be worth $85,792,636, of 100 pounds upward, and after sampling and assaying the same to pay 
which the metallic production was $62,740,622. to the shipper the value thereof, less treatment charges. The purpose 
The following figures show the growth of Ontario’s mineral industry is to afford a market for ores extracted by prospectors and others in 
by five-year periods since 1891, when a Bureau of Mines was first estab- developing their mining claims, enabling them to obtain funds which 
lished. they can use for further work and to report on the most satisfactory 
Year Value Year Value method of treatment. Fuller information may be obtained on appli- 
301... $ 4,705,672 1918 (Max. war out- cation to the Manager, Temiskaming Testing Laboratories, Cobalt, 
sce 5,235,003 put). ..... $80,308,972 Ontario. 
801... .-..... 11,831,086 1921. ............. 54,564.200 
1986, 22,388,383 1022. ............. 68466454 PUBLICATIONS 
” 4 a eg ed ali ins For list of publications, illustrated reports, geological maps and 
pea 303. CER a 221, miniag Vows. apply 40 
1925... voi 85,792,636 THOS. W. GIBSON. 
HON. CHARLES McCREA, Minister. Deputy Minister of Maines, 

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