Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

in South Lorrain and elsewhere, largely due to mining men with experi- and where a new concentrating mill is erected and running at the present 
ence in Canadian Mining controlling these operations. time. 
core : . : : The silver production in 1925 in Ontario totalled 10,217,315 fine 
Nipissing is making explorations in the conglomerates adjacent to ounces, having a selling value of $7,084,864, being about 70 cents per 
the former Maidens Droperiy (now financed by H rotuan Belt) on the ounce. The ore is mined, concentrated and in the main also refined on 
shore of Lake Temiskaming, at Silver Centre, in the firm belief that the ground at Cobalt; the refining being carried on by the Nipissing 
the conglomerates should produce ore there i he Anes they have Dro Mines Limited, and the Mining Corporation. Ores and concentrates 
duced the bulk of the ore at Cobalt. The differing formations n which shipped out for treatment largely go to the Deloro Smelting and Refining 
these silver deposits are found on surface seems at variance as to their Company at Delore, Ontario. 
deposition in the various three camps, but it is largely a matter of erosion Ary lottetih dng tack io hat silver discoveries dis Tot Seer 16 be 
52d gleclation Jeeds found north of the “Height of Land” and so far all of the camps have 
Of new interest is the reopening of the Cobalt Contact Green- been discovered from twenty to sixty miles south of the height of land 
Meehan section, near North Cobalt where a very considerable quantity range. This applies to Gowganda, Cobalt, South Lorrain and the former 
of milling ore is being proved up, sweetened by occasional high grade, Silver Islet, Silver Mountain, Port Arthur area. 
. Fa — ee it = pe— - 7 
1 = ee ee ow 
'$21,000,000.}- | i | | '4550,000,000.} 
1$45,000,000 - — a 
‘418,000,000 | 1$40,000,000 
I4515,000,000.} $35000,000 
I412,000,000.- $30,000, 
$12,000.000.1 $25,000,000 
i$ 9,000,000.] $20,000,000 ° : 
i$ 6,000,000. #15000000. 
'$10,000,000.} = 
j& 5,000,000 | 5,000,000 sou fi 
| — i. ——— arr ont memiet —Q- oo . _. a spk 
| years—11921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1028 1929 1930 ! ~EAns=| 1921 1922 1923 1924. 1925 1926 1027 1928 1929 1930 

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