Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

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Page PAGE 
Armstrong Sectionand Map.............................. 4445 Magnetic Iron Deposits in Canada... .... Ta LE 
Chibougamau Lake Areaand Map...........................32-88 Manitoba Mining Regulations. ....................oooi. 56 
Cobalt Silver Aren. |... . co ses vivaninns sunt 210 Manitoba, Eastern (Central) Section and Map................ 57 
Coal, Oil, China Clay in James Bay Basin.................... 65 Manitoba, Northern Section and Map...................... 59-60 
District East of Amos and®Map. . ... «i c.oni iin eis om voinni von30=3" Maritime Provincesand Map..............ooooveeoaoo.... .68-69 
Bl ertfle POWRr. . civ ever sien nansiassnivnvs tents pAS MEI 56 New Brunswick ©... .... ccaovmeasnn sc - ons Torah lis 48 
PR Ton Section... ci incense iaaaiins svat «daw mnusinininn sie G1 NOV Seobitn, .... oo iis vi iiiPemnms sms emt se _smesiaiien nis 09 
Gaspe Zinc and Lead Section. .......conuneiiiueninsnstnsns B06 North-Eastern Ontario and North-Western Quebec—Map.... .16-17 
Bold Mining in Ontario... . cco vvnansoiimirmisin renbnnonn Ze North-Western Quebec and Map. ................ooovvnn.. 24-25 
Gowganda, Silver Aven. . ......... co HP BE REST. XYANTITY Nipigon-Beardmore-Jellicoe Section and Map................. 40-41 
Graham Section and Map. ......... cc desu fi Ful oo si nin toni 40-47 Nickel iOMEarion , io Som aor vo coisas sin Dime sin gists sl G5 
Heights of Land—Their possible relation to mineralization...... 13 Ontario Mines Purchasing Power..................ooooiiin. 8 
Heigltol Bond Map. .... 0 ccrrrresvni vane sna nnn ssunine i 14 Ontario—Mining Regulations and other information........... 10 
Hornepayne-Longlac Section and Map. .......................38-39 Onaman-Tashota-Kowkash Section and Map..................42-43 
Hematite Iron Oresin Canada, ... 1... 00.000 iil. Ok Porcupine Gold Camp... .....;ovvvivmmnnssviiiove sivas sins snes 9) 
Harricanaw-Amos Section, Quebec and Map. .................24-28 Port Arthur—Fort William Section and Map..................48-49 
Introduction. 2. 0 or enim ns a wn RT ne Sl an vk 3 Power Map (Water Powers in Eastern Canada)... .Insert Back Cover 
Interesting Fach. i. coi oi vomminii is dsiin id veins van o EATUIAE, 4 Quebec—Mining Regulations, ete............................ 11 
Kirkland Lake, Gold Camp... .....  ocnvvinan ivdanasinvnnnen 22 Red Lake Sectionand Map. ........oc.crerrvvrsinsnnes..... 52-58 
Low Mining Taxes and Stability of Titles. .................... 9 Rouyn and North-Western Quebec and Map..................24-25 
Lead and Zine in Eastern Canada. .... ...................... B66 Silver Mining in Ontario...» vv visibesim  iisains ans anita shied 16 
Mesabi Range Hematite Iron............................... 64 Sudbury Section and Map... . --. +c ruvvsvidiadvsaen srs os0..35786 
Mining Development in-Canada. .. ... .. cc. vuniiiin oda see 6 South Lorrain Silver Camp... .. - i + -vvn rv smmnaviivusisviv ey oto 18 
ABBE MAIS. nea + ov orrnir  caRR 12 Ontario Hydro Electric Plant, Chippawa..................... 75 
Drummondville-Quebec Power. ........................... 77 Red Lake (Canyon Lake). .......cocnvivversoosealilive save 79 
Hollinger Mine, Porcupine... .. vii sania ines iv vue 18 Red Lake Airplane Service... ........icvvcer vowing, 58 
International Nickel Plant, Sudbury....................... 34 Smoky Falls-James Bay Basin. ....................See Power Map 
Meclntyre Mine, Porcupine... ... cooviniiviivisivrsnannsrse 28 Saguenay River Power, Lake St. John Basin. ........See Power Map 
Monitoba Waker Power. ou conv cna sed cam vaaialy 68 Wright-Hargreaves Mine, Kirkland Lake. .................... 50

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