Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

dIS booklet is a revision of the issue of 1925 and contains up-to-date 
information in condensed form on the developments in mining and 
power now taking place in North-Eastern Canada. It is hoped that 
it will stimulate interest in the progress Canada is making in develop- 
i ing its natural resources and in the possibilities for still further 
advancement. It is believed that the maps in the booklet will be of special value 
to those interested in these developments. 
The booklet will be distributed throughout Canada, the United States and 
Great Britain, and a word from you as to its value, together with suggestions for 
future re-issue, will be appreciated. 
The development of Canada’s resources offers a very interesting subject for 
discussion at business men’s clubs, and we would be glad to co-operate with the 
Secretaries of such clubs in securing well informed speakers for such organizations 
throughout the Eastern States centering around New York and Eastern Canada. 
We are also prepared to co-operate in arranging visits of clubs and associa- 
tions to North-Eastern Canada and in the movement of private cars of capitalists 
desirous of inspecting the gold fields or the pulp and paper mills and power develop- 
ment, and would be glad to furnish as far as we may be able to do so, authentic 
and unbiased information on the resources of Canada. 
Address communications to: 
CyriL T. Young, 
Superintendent of Development, 
Canadian National Railways, 
1 Toronto Street, 
Toronto, 2, ONT.

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