Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

© ousheyl J 
HE Red Lake Gold Camp north of the Can- A 
[pes National Railways, in Northern Ontario, G C LD AR EAS 
opened the 1926 mining excitement in a spectacular scale of miles 
fashion. It has caught and held public attention. SFr Tes 
The Howie property has the merit of standing up Sti Le! nanert pes rt 2rd a 
under severe channel sampling, which Soh = Warrick. 
average of close around $10.00 per ton over widths ” Soren Liat)s 
and os which compares favorably with Porcu- Fe r-20 Seger ? al 
pine. (The average milling grade of Ontario ores E ’ Wari T=, 2 H12C ° Ob kowinfD 
for 1925 was $9.00 per ton). The Red Lake area z dn Beer Fore Nge L~ELO 
has the further merit of having geological forma- etn PN “cons FIRE Wallace 
tion equally as good, and seemingly nothing rekon ¢ Turtle ENR SFwater &rytd oor 
lacking even to the quartz porphyry intrusions. 00 AEBILD ue ly Spore 
[t Ee: examined by men who not only ought LAKE RN ts Zo 
to know, but who do know, with the result that ? an asda 
two of the largest mining Companies prety in kT erg 9 
Northern Ontario are diamond drilling, sinking Ms 
shafts, etc. at present and other Northern mining A LAPT hig 
companies of merit acquiring and developing their ) 3 
holdings. Victoria (4 
The nature of the deposition of gold ores at bad \ : 
Red Lake is very similar to Porcupine in that the Aone ane tires LE. 3 SH» 
veins are in large shearing zones with quartz Raine * 
porphyries, definite lines of weakness and breaks, Belek 4 Mit : PB. SR 
all of which are conducive to wide milling ore Gon AN rane WK pi sp sed 
bodies. Granites exist and doubtless the smaller fr Ne Ye is 
granite batholiths were the cause of bringing up sg v WALD ie 
the enriching quartz porphyries. A mmr Co — 
The fact that likely formations occur for 50 : Tras tan Magma Greed! ® Ngpethrd % 
miles to the north-eastward and 50 miles westward 1 foSonet = Pd 
to the Manitoba boundary (as will be shown by 1 Re bs AE Ll ! 
reference to Eastern Manitoba maps) has already J ¢ oy o” 
started such a rush to the Red Lake section that Locate: GF.2 Tn, £202 
it has, to date, resulted in hundreds of men co fi 
(backed by large and small capital) prospecting ow 
and developing in that section north of the Can- 
adian National Railways this season. 
Stakings—winter stakings especially—are, of ar a 
course, recognized as a gamble, taken to get hold J 
of probable or likely ground on which to conduct x on 
summer exploration to see if anything can be His , 
found. ¥ % ] 
Geological reports show that the Huronian : 
schists and quartz porphyry and granites occur wo 
CARE p rr ay MEE ts. | 

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