Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

Eastern ( Central ) Manitoba 
See Map, Page 52 
Ts mineralized area lies in the pre-Cambrian formation, with some- The W.A.D. syndicate states that for 1,000 feet in length they have 
what similar geology to the gold camps of Northern Ontario, $12 to $14 ore over 6 ft. at the 500 ft. level, and that for hundreds 
having keewatin schists, granite and diabase, the granite batholiths of feet long across a width of 17 ft. the shoot averages $20. The develop- 
here evidently being the source of enrichment. It would appear that ment work to date would indicate that they have close around $2,000,000 
the most favorable locations for prospecting are in the schists associated of ore with a high milling content. They will continue mining develop- 
with the earlier granites near a contact with the younger granites, the ment, and supplies have been put in during the winter to take care of 
earlier being recognized by the belts of schists and dykes which cut the summer development work. It is hoped that the 1926 season will 
through it; and although the younger granite may appear more or less have blocked out a sufficient quantity of milling ore to determine the 
jointed, it is not cut in the same manner. Occasionally pillow lava, advisability of the erection of quite a large mill on the property. 
so noticeable throughout the gold section of Northern Ontario, is found Arrangements are being made for a power line from Great Falls develop- 
here. In this section of Manitoba the property on which the most ment (100,000 h.p.) on the Winnipeg River, owned by the Manitoba 
development work has occurred is what is known as the “W.A.D.” Power Company. 
property (Wentworth, Anderson and Davis), at present being operated 
by the John Taylor & Sons Limited Corporation, of London, England. The Cryderman Property (Mining Corporation of Canada). A quartz 
. . . vein has, like that on the W.A.D., been traced for more than a mile 
A second gold property of importance is the Cryderman, described ‘ : : 
“wh . . on the properties of the Company. Surface gold showings are quite 
later, and owned by the Mining Corporation of Canada—another English . . . : : 
: : : in evidence—in fact frequently the quartz in the shaft furnishes some 
firm operating extensively and successfully throughout Northern Ontario. of the most spectacular showings of free gold Which the North Country 
Another property of quite some importance is the Eldorado, referred has every produced. The ore average is (after leaving out all visible 
to later. free gold) very high, and the Mining Corporation wisely prefer to 
Further to the west the Montcalm property will be developed by find out more about the deposition before values are made public; 
Cincinati, Ohio, interests. therefore we refrain from stating them, other than to say that this 
Prior to development of this particular section around Long Lake and prospect quite probably has $1,000,000 in sight, which ore will be avail- 
Beresford Lake, the Rice Lake field to the north-west and other areas able for ircaiment should depth prove that a plant with adequate 
around Wanipigow River had received considerable development inter- milling capacity is advisable. Generally speaking, the width of the ye 
mittently, gold claims having been staked since 1912. Some of these 1s from 4 to 6 feet, although on surface at places i narrows down, which 
areas have not proved very satisfactory, although one of the older groups, is not at all an uncommon occurrence for veins of this character. Such 
the Luleo, operated by the Selkirk Mining Company, gave somewhat gold bearing quartz veins, on account of their widening and contracting, 
more encouraging results and values, with a considerable tonnage of Teoessitates 8 more extensive and Sy stematic blocking out of ore and 
ore blocked out, which is said to run between $10 and $15 a ton. deep diamond drilling on each individual ore occurrence in order to be 
. . 8 : fairly sure of the tonnage and value of the ore bodies. The vein will, 
The reports on the Rice Lake field state that while there is sufficient of course, be proved up not only by sinking and drifting, but also by 
tonnage of quartz along sheared zones, yet the average value over milling diamond drilling to depth to determine its values prior to contem- 
widths is too low to make the deposits of as economic importance as is plating the erection of a mill on the properties. The most economical 
desirable under present cost conditions. veins in this section are found not far distant from the granitic intrusions 
The W.A.D. Syndicate Property. The vicinity from Beresford Lake and deep development work will tell whether there is or is not disturbance 
to Wallace Lake, where the W.A.D. and Mining Corporation pro- and pre-ore or post-ore faulting at depth, and whether the granite is all 
perties exist seems to be the area showing the greatest mineralization. the way through going to be a friend or foe. 

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