Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

is $5.25 per ton, being close around the probable mining and smelting U.S. had a population of 76 million. Canada has greatly reduced her income 
costs. See comparison with other American and South African copper tax rates and has returned to penny postage and the gold standard. 
mining camps. Page 26. Canada’s credit is sound—her favorable trade balance for 1925 being 
There 1s as much ore blocked out and indicated by systematic diamond $401,000,000. 
drilling to 900 feet depth in the copper-gold-zinc property, the Flin Flon, New Brunswick is making remarkable strides in power and Forest 
in N orthern Manitoba, $226,000,000, as has been produced at Cobalt Products Development. The proposed expenditure by International Paper, 
during the last twenty years. Page 61. Bathurst Pulp and Paper and The Fraser Companies, totals $25,000,000 
There is approximately 250 million dollars of new capital going info and an era of prosperity is evident. Canadian pulp exports have increased 
developments in mining, pulp and paper, aluminum and power develop- 6547 and paper exports 1476% during the past twelve years totalling 
ment between Lake St. John and Winnipeg, adjacent to Canadian National $141,504,151.00 in exports in 1925. Canada now leads the world in 
Lines. This is creating new long haul traffic on northern lines which pulp and paper manufacture. Page 74. 
trucks and motors cannot reach, and these huge developments more than . } _ 
anything else are North-Eastern Canada’s sign posts pointing the road , Quebec Province leads the world in the maning of asbestos, the output 
to prosperity. Page 7. being 809, of the world s production. Extensive diamond drilling and 
underground exploration on a large scale have shown the existence of 
Canada’s per capita debt is less than any of her allies, except the United immense resources of ore and the industry evidently has good prospects 
States. Canadians clip the interest coupons on eighty per cent. of Canada’s of a long life. 
bonds. The Banker’s Trust Company of New York calculate that 
Canada is the only country in the world which shows a per capita income On the whole it seems more businesslike and sensible to expend 
higher than before the war. syndicate development funds in search of pay ore in the pre-Cambrian of 
At the new Red Lake Gold Camp north from Hudson on the Canadian Nova Scotia, where ideal transportation and living conditions exist and 
National, which is in typical pre-Cambrian formation with quartz por- where $19,000,000 of gold ore has been extracted under obsolete methods, 
phyry intrusions and shearing zones, average values on the Howey (Dome) than in exploration of inaccessible areas of the far north f rom Ungava to 
across widths and lengths which compare favorably with Porcupine show The M ackenzie Ruver Basin. 2,209,731 tons of ore milled in Nova 
values equal to Porcupine. The mineralized area extends fifty miles east Scotia to date yielded a recovery of $8.72 per ton on less than 45% 
of Red Lake and fifty miles west to the Manitoba boundary. Page 52. extraction. ; Porcupine in 1925 made a recovery of $8.22 a ton on a 
97% extraction. Page 69. 
There is more power on the Nelson and Churchill Rivers than is 
installed or oa be developed at Niagara, both sides of the river, and the The Great Pre-Cambrian shield comprises the greater ‘part of Central 
Saguenay River combined. In that section there is over 8,150,000 and Eastern Canada. It is in pre-Cambrian formation that the Rand 
horse power and 18,000,000 horse power across the North Country from of South Africa, the Mysore Mines of India and the mines of Australia 
the Saguenay to the Nelson as shown on power map, Insert Back Cover. are located. Canadians are only beginning to appreciate the part that 
In considering Canada, recollect that the easily located mineral deposits mining will play in the building up of Canada. 
wn the older mining countries of the world are pretty well discovered, and that z . 2 Eng 
some one ra the money making Ar resources of the older Passeng ers f tom Canadian 2 ons to the rich mang fields in Canada 
countries. Here in Canada, where the Canadian National Railways have should obtain their tick ple. and sleeping car reservations from representa. 
opened up rich resources of field and mine and forest, are new oppor- twes of the Canadian National Railways and those from the U nated States 
tunities to acquire wealth. Page 7. from Grand Trunk-Canadian National representatives. There is excellent 
sleeping and dining car service as well as unexcelled freight and express 
In thirty years, Canada’s trade has risen from 200 million dollars to over service to all of the mining camps. Telegrams should be sent via 
2,160 million dollars in 1925—greater than that of the United States when Canadian National or Western Union-Canadian National. 

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