Canada which has made remarkable strides in the Eastern States and manufacture of nitrate fertilizers and cyanamid as at Niagara Falls
elsewhere—cellulose and cellanese silk fabrics. Evidence of this is and elsewhere.
the millions of dollars invested and about to be invested at Cornwall, }
Ont., and Drummondville, Que., necessitating expansion of sulphide The hydro electric power companies which are serving the new rich
mills at Temiskaming and elsewhere, especially where black spruce mining districts are: The Northern Canada Power Corporation, Limited,
cellulose is obtainable. The future will see surplus northern power, with three plants on the Mattagami River, Ontario, with a combined
especially at the Nelson adjacent to the Prairies used for the capacity of 30,000 horsepower and a fourth on the Quinze River, Que.,
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Water power development in the Drummondville-Quebec section—Canadian National Railways
$20,000,000 invested in plant and equipment, has resulted in the location of
20 manufacturing plants and employment for 6,000 persons.