fullscreen: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

copper (average $10) and 3 per cent. and better nickel, and has associ- Lake is good. The Geological Surveys Branch, Ottawa, is issuing an 
ated with it—just as Sudbury has—rich kindred metals of platinum, interesting report on this section. 
iridium, and others. Mining development on an extended scale is being carried out on 
The accompanying map sets out clearly for the first time two the magnetite ores on Mattawin Range and in this connection page 47 
important features which may well attract the attention of those direct- on Magnetites coming into their market should be read. 
ing mining development capital coming into Canada. One of these It is worthy of note that the Ontario Government and quite 
features is the distinct possibility of the continuation into Canada of recently also the Quebec Government has provided for a bounty on 
the Mesabi and Vermilion iron ranges. The other is the fact that the production of iron ore, making it now more attractive to develop 
these Minnesota iron ranges are adjacent to the “height of land” and iron ore bodies in Canada, where at present practically no Canadian 
this would seem to indicate where base and precious metal deposits in iron ore is used in Canadian furnaces. (See Hematite and Magnetite 
Eastern Canada might be located. articles.) 
If there is any place where diamond drilling accompanied by The Canadian National Railways have through the acquisition of 
careful geological work is likely to locate hematite iron ore bodies it the Port Arthur, Duluth & Western line of the Canadian Northern 
is surely in this district west of Port Arthur and Fort William adjacent Railway, come into possession of nine thousand three hundred and 
to the “height of land,” not only because it is geologically feasible, but sixty acres of hematite iron mining lands in the Gunflint-Whitefish iron 
also, from an economic viewpoint, this section is favored by a short rail area, located south of the Dowler hematite holdings in a section that 
haul to Lake Superior, even shorter than the Cuyuna, Mesabi and other well merits diamond drilling. Representatives of capital taking up 
ranges. The Lake Superior iron section of Canada is favored not only the development of these hematite iron deposits on a bounty basis 
by water-borne transportation to smelters at Sault Ste. Marie, Hamilton, to the Canadian National Railways will receive co-operation from the 
and American points, but also distinctly favored by having available Dominion Geological Surveys Branch. 
mixing ore from other Lake Superior operating mines, On the whole this mining section west of Port Arthur and Fort 
The composition and nature of the rocks forming the Gunflint William, especially adjacent to the pre-Cambrian eruptive range indicated 
Biwabik (Mesabi) formation and the sequence of the beds is approxi- by the “height of land” along which secondary movements and consequent 
mately the same in the two districts. The possibility of the occurrence mineralization unquestionably occurred, is getting a new lease of life, 
of hematite-limonite ore bodies along the P.A. & D. branch of the due to a new and fuller prospecting knowledge and the development of 
Canadian National from Hymers station on past Silver Mountain, and better mining and milling methods, and it well warrants the attention 
especially between North Lake and Addie Lake and on to Gunflint of interested capital. 

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