The distributions indicate that cyclical fluctuations do not materi-
ally influence the relationship of revenue to total assets. The modal
averages for the four respective years show but little variation; being
14, .15, .14 and .14. Such a showing indicates that more companies
earned between $.12 and $.16 of revenue per $1 of assets than at any
Buscas or Busivess Prscancu
Universirr of humors 1d
- 4 XR 5 - v =
Ir 1579 /v&/
Ratios Lxpressed as Percentages
Ratios oF Public UtiLiTies By SAMPLE YEARS
other rate, and that this fact was very little changed by a period of
general business depression such as 1921,
This is the typical condition, expressing the representative ratio of
the year. Note the change in the proportion of cases which falls each
year in the group which contains the modal average.
1917 1919 1921 1924
Percentage of cases in the modal group... 24% 22% 18% 21%
Evidently in the depression year of 1921 there were fewer cases in the
largest group than was the case in any of the other years. This can also
be seen in the chart from the fact that the longest bar for 1921 is shorter
than the longest bar for any of the other years.
The way the cases are distributed throughout the other ratio-groups
is similar to the showing just mentioned. Taking three ratio-groups
beginning with .08, we find the following situation:
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