Full text: Im Lande der billigsten Kohle

Quellenverzeichnis A 
T Quellenverzeichnis. 
. 'dams: Coal-Mine Fatalities in 1924, Washington 1925, 
n merican Federationist, Zeitschrift der A. F, of L., Washington, 
5 erichte und Protokolle der United Mine Workers of America 
& sowie deren Zentral- und Bezirkssatzungen, 
N 'ulletins, Zirkulare und Berichte des Bureau of Mines, das 
€ Grubensicherheitswesen betreffend; Washington, 
= oal Age, Zeitschrift, New York, fortlaufend. 
'oal Miners Insecurity, Russell Sage Foundation, New York 1922. 
'oal Report of Illinois, 1925, Dep. of Mines and Minerals, 
5 Springfield (Illinois) 1925, 
m lost of Living — Anthraeite Region; Nat. Ind. Conf. Board, 
New York 1922, 
'ost of Living in the U, S.,, Dep. of Lab, Washington 1924, 
Sost of Living, Nat; Ind. Conf. Board, New York 1925, 
lost Reports of the Fed, Trade Comm,; Coal, Nr. 3; Washing- 
1 ton 1920, 
)epartment of Labor and Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletins, 
Devine, E. T.: Coal (Facts and Remedies), Bloomington (Illi- 
_ nois) 1925, 
° ’evine, E. T.: Gewinnung und Arbeit ini den Kohlengruben der 
S Vereinigten Staaten, Int, Rdsch, d. Arb., Heft 1, Jahrg. 1925, 
® vans, Ch.: History of the United Mine Workers of A., 2 Bände, 
8 Indianapolis (Indiana), 
. frey, J. P.: The Labor Injunction, Cincinnati. 
- Beological Survey, Bulletins, Washington, 
) Biant Power, Report of the Giant Power Survey Board, Penn- 
e sylvania, Harrisburg 1925, 
Growth of American Trade Unions, Nat. Bur, of Economic Re- 
; search, New York 1924, 
u Hamilton and Wright: The Case of Bituminous Coal, New 
York 1925, 

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