ad —bc
(25) Om
where a, b, c¢, and d are the numbers of cases in each of the
four quadrants of the fourfold table (233, p. 38).
If a test is scored in terms of accuracy, in effect two series
of measurements are made. One is the number of right
answers, R, and the other the number of wrong answers, WW.
Thurstone (199) has derived formulas for weighting right
and wrong answers in such a way as to give the highest pos-
sible correlation with the criterion, I. The number of wrong
answers is multiplied by a constant, C, which is usually neg-
ative, and then added to the number of right answers. Thus
the score for a test is R + CW. The following formula
gives the best value for the multiplying constant, C:
(26) C= or(71R * "Rw —"1w)
ow(’tw * rw —71r)
If this constant is used in scoring the test, the best correla-
tion possible between test scores and criterion will be ob-
tained. The formula for this correlation is
(27) Biro =f 02 £1 Ss: ph. Im Taw
— rw
The probable error of a correlation coefficient is an index
of its unreliability and should be computed as an aid to the
interpretation of the significance of the relationship which
has been discovered. Thus a coefficient of .50 is a better
estimate of the true relationship if its P.E. is .0o2 than if its
PE. is .13.
The formula for the probable error of 7 computed by any
of the variations of the Pearson product-moment formula, or
by the rank difference method, is
(28) PE, =0.6745 =
This formula assumes a normal correlation surface, and
should therefore be avoided when the number of cases is
small (233, pp. 321, 352). It also assumes that the coeffi