Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

scores in several tests in relation to each other. A curve is 
plotted showing his relative standing in the various tests. 
His good and poor test performances become evident at a 
glance. Knowing the relative validity of the various tests, 
Y = 
rosa wf: 12 
BET vi1—rip . VI1—r2m 
” Fas—V43 * V3 
Bae V I—172% . VI —r2 RE 
ry Tuu=713 2 71s 
B20 VI—r%s- Vi-74 = 
, i Tia.2— 713.2 * 743.2 
HBT 1—73s* V1I—7ua i 
Riese) = VI —(1—1%) (1 =r.) (1 — 1214.03) = 
Figure 28: Outline for computing the multiple correlation coefficient for 
four variables. 
the investigator may make a prediction of the worker’s suc- 
cess. This method involves subjective judgment in predic- 
tion. It sometimes leads to judgments on the individual’s 
weak points based on groundless assumptions as to the abili- 
ties measured by the tests. It is more useful for vocational 

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