Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

68. Heary, WM. The Individual Delinquent; Boston, 1915. 
69. HEpNER, H. W. “Better Judgments of Men”; Industrial Psychology, 
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yo. HINES, M., AND O’CoNNOR, J. “A Measure of Finger Dexterity”; 
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vi. HorriNewortH, H. L. Judging Human Character; New York, 1922. 
#2. Horrineworte, H. L. Vocational Psychology, New York, 191%. 
»3. HoLLingworTH, H. L., AND POFFENBERGER, A. T. Applied Psychology; 
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v4. HOLZINGER, K. J. “A Combination Form for Calculating the Correla- 
tion Coefficient and Ratios”; Journal of American Statistical As- 
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#5. HorLziNGer, K. J. Statistical Tables for Students in Education and 
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#6. Huey; K. “Problems Arising and Methods Used in Interviewing and 
Selecting Employees”; Annals, 1916, Ixv, 208-219. 
#7. HUFFARER, C. L. “A Contribution to the Technique of Partial Cor- 
relation”; Journal of Applied Psychology, 1923, vii, 135-142. 
»8. Huir, C. L. “An Automatic Correlation Calculating Machine”; 
Journal of American Statistical Association, 1925, XX, 522-531. 
#9. Hurt, C. L. “The Conversion of Test Series Into Series Which Shall 
Have Any Assigned Degree of Dispersion”; Journal of Applied 
Psychology, 1922, vi, 288-300. 
80. Hype, WM. D. Self-Measurement; New York, 1908. 
81. JomnsoN, O. R. “One Company’s Experience in the Selection of 
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82. Joint Committee on Standards for Graphic Presentation. Preliminary 
report published for the purpose of inviting suggestions for the 
benefit of the committee. Quarterly Publication of the American 
Statistical Association, 1914-1915, xiv, 790-707. (See also: Report 
of Committee on Standards for Graphic Presentation, Psychologi- 
cal Bulletin, 1915, xii, 432-440.) 
83. Jones, D. C. First Course in Statistics; London, 1921. 
84. Kerrey, T. L. Chart to Facilitate the Calculation of Partial Coeffi- 
cients of Correlation and Regression Equations; Stanford Univer- 
sity Publications, School of Education, Special Monograph No. 1, 
8s. Kerrey, T. L. “The Reliability of Test Scores”; Journal of Educa- 
tional Research, 1921, iii, 370-3%9. 
86. Krxriey, T. L. Statistical Method, New York, 1923. 
87. Kerry, R. W. Hiring the Worker; New York, 1918. 
88. KEmMBLE, W. F. Choosing Employees by Test; New York, 1917. 
89. KEnaGy, H. G., axp YoaxuM, C. S. The Selection and Training of 
Salesmen; New York, 1925. 
go. Kent, G. H., AND Rosanorr, A. J. “A Study of Association in In- 
sanity”; American Journal of Insanity, 1910, Ixvii, Nos. 1 and 2. 
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Kings Park State Hospital Bulletin, New York, 1911, iv, 165-302.) 
o1. KEyNEs, J. M. A Treatise on Probability; London, 1921. 

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