Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

02. KmvesBURrY, F. A. “Grading the Office Job. II. Making the Analysis”; 
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05. Krrson, H. D. Psychology of Vocational Adjustment; Philadelphia, 
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07. KorvmAUsEr, A. W. “The Psychology of Vocational Selection”; 
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98. KorNHAUSER, A. W., AND KinGsBURY, F. A. Psychological Tests in 
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09. Lar, D. A. The Psychology of Selecting Men; New York, 1925. 
100. LaNGFELD, H. S., AND Arrrort, F. H. An Elementary Laboratory 
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101. Linx, H. C. Employment Psychology; New York, 1919. 
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112. MEINE, F. Job Specifications; Federal Board for Vocational Educa- 
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113. MEYER, A. Outlines of Examinations; Bloomingdale Hospital Press, 
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114. Mmrer, G. F. “Formulas for Scoring Tests in Which the Maximum 
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