Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

a given amount or more, and those who sold less than that 
amount. Or the men may be ranked in order of their sales, 
in which case there may be as many groups as there are 
Use of fine distinctions in vocational accomplishment is 
not recommended unless the criterion is very reliable. (For 
methods of ascertaining reliability, see Chapter XIII.) 
It is quite as important to determine the reliability of a 
criterion as the reliability of a test. 
Once the criterion has been selected, care should be taken 
throughout the study to keep it free from the influence of 
extraneous factors. Some of the disturbing variables to be 
guarded against have already been mentioned. If ratings 
are used as criteria, they should be made without a knowl- 
edge of the tests to be used, otherwise the rater is apt to 
have in mind success in these tests rather than vocational 
success when he judges the workers. The criterion must 
be strictly adhered to in selecting the subjects for measure- 
ment and in determining the abilities necessary for success 
in the vocation. 
The foregoing criteria are standards or measures of the 
vocational success of the individual worker. In some in- 
dustrial laboratories in Germany criteria such as these are 
applied not to the workers separately, but to a whole de- 
partment. Tests are constructed to measure the abili- 
ties which the investigator deems important, and without 
waiting for validation, applicants who score high in these 
tests are hired. When the men selected by this method 
form a considerable part of the working force of the depart- 
ment, the investigator determines how much the efficiency 
of the department as a whole has improved. This is mea- 
sured by changes in the number of men required to do the 
work, changes in the output of the department, reduction 
in breakage, reduction in cost of training and turnover, and 
so forth. 
This method has little to recommend it scientifically. It 
makes unwarranted assumptions regarding the ability of 

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