Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

plishment in the vocation; it is made with a group of workers 
for observation who are well chosen with regard to this con- 
ception of success; and it is made to serve as a basis for 
the construction of scientific examinations rather than for 
the immediate use of the employment office. 
A warning is here in place. The list of essential abilities 
which the investigator assembles is a tentative one, for the 
purpose of suggesting lines of approach in the construction 
of examinations. He cannot state dogmatically that the list 
is correct, nor can he assert that each examination he later 
constructs will yield accurate measures of these particular 
abilities. If he knew all this there would be no neces- 
sity for carrying through the rest of the investigation. Un- 
fortunately, such omniscience is denied to most men. The 
scientific investigator must patiently seek examinations 
whose records bear such a close statistical relationship to 
success in the vocation that they may be used in the em- 
ployment office in selecting applicants with assurance that 
future vocational success is closely predicted. The investi- 
gator cannot choose these examinations casually. Such a 
procedure he would find extremely wasteful. He must have 
guides to follow. Consequently he does not decide on the 
examinations to be tried until he has analyzed the workers 
on the job and assembled a list of points in which he has 
reason to think the good workers differ from the poor ones. 
This list he uses as suggestive material in constructing 
examinations. The validation of the examinations as selec- 
tive instruments is ultimately accomplished by comparing 
their results with the criterion of vocational accomplish- 
ment, not with the list of abilities. 
The process of analyzing the worker is similar to that of 
analyzing the job, but the investigator focusses his atten- 
tion on the worker rather than on the work. He selects for 
observation those workers who are later to be examined by 
means of the tests or other measuring devices he develops. 
To give an outline which will fit all vocations is as im- 

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