Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

Is oe Wapt-inded or alive to what is going on around 
Is he good-natured? 
Is he a fault-finder? 
Is he talkative? 
Data of this sort may be gathered by psychiatric exami- 
nations or by aid of rating scales. Use may be made of 
ratings on personal appearance, voice, carriage, and other 
aspects of what is ordinarily called personality or social 
effectiveness—characteristics which have a strong influence 
on other people’s attitudes but which are not yet readily 
measurable by psychological tests. 
=. Interests. Both vocational and avocational interests 
should by all means receive consideration in analyzing the 
workers. The reliability of interests as indicators of special 
aptitude and likelihood of success is small in early youth, 
but with mature people there is close relation between in- 
terests and vocational abilities. It is consequently im- 
portant to know the hobbies of the worker, his recreations, 
his ambitions, his attitudes, as well as his relative interest 
in this and other occupations. The analysis of interests has 
proved of great significance in almost every vocational study 
in which it has been attempted. 
It is most illuminating to an investigator who is at home 
in the atmosphere of the shop or office and who can win 
the confidence of the workers, to try to discover their special 
interests in their work and particularly their pride in de- 
tails of craftsmanship. There is vastly more of this type 
of interest even in highly specialized routine production 
than the casual observer is inclined to suppose. A persistent 
search for these points of pride and satisfaction in accom- 
plishment yields clues to essential skills, aptitudes, and tem- 
peramental characteristics. 
3. Abilities. The number of abilities is almost infinite and 
it is impossible here even to suggest a check list of 
names to help the investigator in his search for the abilities 

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