Full text: Employee representation

time regulation of industry long since were abandoned; many others 
born of insincerity and narrow visioned strategy have been allowed 
to lapse. 
Mistrust of managements’ ulterior motives and fear of employees’ 
radical purposes are giving way to mutual confidence and respect. 
The larger questions of constitutional form and details of procedure 
are occupying less attention, consideration instead being given to the 
technic of effective operation. The scope of activities of works 
councils has broadened from adjustment of grievances and considera- 
tion of demands respecting wages, hours, and working conditions, to 
constructive, contributory participation by employees in the solution 
of managerial problems. 
A mere list of the corporations which have operated under some 
form of employee representation for three years or more is indicative 
of the place this movement has achieved in the brief period since its 
advocates were quite generally regarded as faddists. An inventory 
of the subjects which are discussed by responsible executives with 
committees of their employees, and in many cases settled by the vote 
of a joint council composed equally of elected employee representa- 
tives and appointed management representatives, the latter chosen 
from the ranks of minor executives, shows that both management 
and workers regard these joint conferences seriously. 
Despite these indications that many prominent and influential 
leaders of American business have come to regard employee represen- 
tation as essential to good management, this opinion is far from being 
universal; and there is much diversity of opinion among persons inti- 
mately familiar with employee representation as to many fundamen- 
tal questions relating to objectives and the technic of operation. The 
airing of these differences, while promoting clarification of individual 
views, has tended to increase bewilderment among employers who 
still hesitate to take the plunge and among those innocent bystanders 
who view with contemplative skepticism, when not with alarm, all 
modifications of social arrangements which take shape within their 
own generation. To regard employee representation as essentially 
a device to defeat the unions is one unfortunate attitude, derived from

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