Full text: Employee representation

homes is open to question; it is likely to be of more significance in 
isolated communities than in large cities, as indicating that they have 
a somewhat permanent stake in the locality and perhaps also in the 
particular industry which employs them. 
In addition to statistical data, certain other facts should be 
observed as reflecting the attitude of employees toward the plan. 
Among these should be demands for changes in the plan, for example, 
proposals for refinement of election or adjustment procedure to secure 
more equitable representation or treatment. A marked change in the 
character of subjects raised by representatives, from those relating 
primarily to grievances to those of a more constructive nature, may 
indicate increasing confidence in the management and in the plan of 
The feeling has been prevalent among some who have looked 
askance at employee representation that its advocates have been 
inclined to point with pride to statistical tables showing the variety of 
subjects discussed and their disposition, implying that such evidence 
demonstrated enormous beneficial results. These doubters, on the 
other hand, have felt that such quantitative evidence was of little 
significance, since many of the items enumerated might be of a very 
trivial character. While 90 per cent of the “cases” may have been 
settled favorably to employees, among the 10 per cent which were not 
there may have been much dynamite. 
This criticism points to the necessity for cautious interpretation 
of statistics. Before conclusions are drawn from statistical data, they 
should be supplemented by a study of all the more important matters 
which have been considered. Attention should be given particularly 
to those requests from employees which the management has declined 
and recommendations of joint bodies which have been rejected. De- 
cisions reached by negotiation or adjudication which will have far- 
reaching effects as establishing precedents, routine practices, or new 
privileges, such as a stock purchase plan, pensions, or vacations should 
be noted among the constructive and beneficial accomplishments which 
the plan has promoted or hastened. 
Another side of the picture which should not be_ ignored is the 

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