Full text: Employee representation

Basser, WiLLiam R.: When the Workmen Help you Manage. New York (Cen- 
tury Co.), 1919. 
BoNNETT, CLARENCE E.: Employers’ Associations in the United States. New 
York (Macmillan Co.), 1922. 
BUREAU OF INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH: American Company Shop Committee Plans. 
New York, 1919. 
CALDER, JonN: Modern Industrial Relations, Policy and Practice. New York 
(Longmans, Green and Co.), 1924. 
CLEVELAND CHAMBER OF CoMMERCE: Employee Representation in Industry; 
some plans in operation in Cleveland; a report of the Committee on Labor 
Relations. Cleveland, 1923. 
Commons, Jorn R., ET AL.: Industrial Government. New York (Macmillan Co.), 
Douctas, PauL H.: Shop Committees: Substitute for, or Supplement to, Trade 
Unions? Journal of Political Economy. Chicago, February, 1921, v. 29, 
p- 89-107. 
Drury, Horace B.: Scientific Management: A History and Criticism. New 
York (Longmans, Green and Co.), 1918. 
FrLene, A. Lincorn: A Merchant’s Horizon. Boston (Houghton Mifflin Co.), 
FrLENE, E. A.: The Way Out: A Forecast of Coming Changes in American Busi- 
ness and Industry. New York (Doubleday, Page and Co.), 1924. 
ForiLeTT, M. P.: Creative Experience. New York (Longmans, Green and Co.); 
Frank, GLENN: The Politics of Industry: A Footnote to the Social Unrest. New 
York (Century Co.), 1919. 
FrexcH, CarroLL E.: The Shop Committee in the United States. Baltimore 
(Johns Hopkins Press), 1923. 
GLEASON, ARTHUR: What the Workers Want. New York (Harcourt, Brace & 
Howe), 1921. 
GoopricH, CARTER L.: The Frontier of Control; a Study in British Workshop 
Politics. New York (Harcourt, Brace and Co.), 1921. 
! For other references see the footnotes of each chapter. 

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