Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

E-. ES. 
Destination. 1013-14. 1914-15. | 1015-16. 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20. 1920-21. 1921-22. 1922-23. ' 1923-24. 1924-25. 
Dunkirk. . 5 .. 172,551 100 = 23,687 71,997 40,572 104,512 82,302 56,978 67,810 
Antwerp 5 7} 36,723 c = 9.674 | 42,014 22.503 49,707 | 29,838 24,583 19,694 
Hamburg ..| 66172 — = = = 26,216 96,644 124,682 | 60,634 63,250 42,148 
Bremen .. ..| 19,021 . 561 4,587 | 31,283 16,342 17,659 18,745 
Genoa .. ..| 6120 , 47,672 41,491 | 21,835 16,821 | 19,222 4,867 | 24,003 | 17,248 . 15,150 11,537 
BR... ..| 43,255 77,319 32,098 | 6,226 | 23,740 44,266 46,623 84,0056 = 53,363 68,939 45,489 
USA... ..| 34,779 103,070 | 152,330 | 209,528 132,866 75,944 86,169 43,945 89,850 33,407 41,090 
Bordeaux a 367 | 33,265 14,879 7,150 9,875 | 1,202 1,165 343 83 426 516 
Havre .. - “| 728 ' 1,703 11,501 10,725 | 28,877 3,731 1,185 2,600 347 793 221 
Marseilles 1,573 12,472 6,903 5,959 4,516 19 175 1,251 400 912 105 
Barcelona = oo 30 8,169 7,002 9,108 3.375 766 298 1.767 1.428 134 327 
Amsterdam and 
Rotterdam .. .. 2,678 9.639 "1.697 150 12.093 12.828 978 616 7.178 7.158 5.533 
Mulhouse >, 1,931 - = ~ — : — — — = 
Trieste .. eins B98) = = - — - 176 684 83 
Varions ... oo... G41 11,018 21,305 17,370 17,542 6,638 7.948 7.533 5.794 4.793 4,497 
Totals .. 305,606 304,517 209,207 288,051 283,066 305,524 313,714 | 476,247 | 365,683 | 294.866 257,795 
* Years ending September 30th. 

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