Full text: Migration and business cycles

DECEMBER, 1923s 
Male alien immigrants and nonimmigrants less male alien emigrants and nonemigrants 
Thousands of Persons 
ToTAL | | 
Year | SOR | JAN. | Fes. | Mar | Apr. | May | June | Jury | Ave. | SEPT. | Ocr. | Nov. | Dec. 
. EAR 
1010 503.8] 26.1|, 37.3] 99.1| 90.0 82.5| 56.5 26.4 31.3 27.5 27.7 8.44 9.2 
1911 112.3 4.0|[; 14.0/ 41.9] i151.9) 37.6] 11.5/4 14.5|d 3.5 3.0| 5.8 d19.74d 19.5 
1912 367.4 5.001 14.4/¥°48.6| 56.7/M860.7] 35.5] 29.4; 30.1{k 47.6] 41.9] 8.2¢ 10.7 
1913 638.34 13.0| 25.4] 64.0 95.9( 71.9] 101.5] 63.7] 59.8] 69.8 51.5| 20.7] 18.2 
1914 89.54 24.7 9.5: 37.2 67.1] 42.014 4.8 2.54:11.5]4 3.58 8.54 14.64 21.1 
1915 d 24.004 14.1 0.2 4.5 6.5 7.8 2.0 4.50 17.94 9.34 22d 22d 3.8 
1916 152.1 3.2] 11.9; 15.7," 17.0} 15.5 13.1 9.8 11.5 17.3] 14.6, 13.0 9.4 
1917 32.87 11.7 7.9 S. 7 "11.3 2.7 0.54 “0.1/4 0.6/4 1.5 0.49 5.44 2.9 
1918 8.6 5.59 3.34 1.49 0.1; 35.44 24.79 1.6 2.6 1.00 6.74% d 0.4 
1919 4 61.1 6.54 3.494 4.3 1.04 3.694 7.714 7.914 12.5[4 3.84 0.6d 15.9 4.0 
| | 
1920 255.4 6.6; 11.94 10.6] 24.58 .27.3{+27.1{ 24.9] 17.5 34.2| 33.4] 28.0 22.4 
1921 70.00 19.6] 15.1] 21.4} 15.1" 22.1 2.74 1.8d 2.0 8.14 5.2 0.84 9.6 
1922 132.4 0.9/4 0.1 3.514 0.9 6.0 5.01: 13.1 .18.61- 25.9 27.0 22.1 11.2 
1923 | 428.4{s 15.0) 18.8]. 29.5] 33.4. 33.1] 26.8) 48.5] 51.3 53.1] 45.7| 48.8 24.4 
sFor sources of data see Table 23. 
d =excess of departures over arrivals. 
* =]ess than 50. 
with business conditions. The depression periods of 1907 to 1908, 
1911, 1913 to 1914, 1919, and 1921 to 1922, all show a net emigration, 
preceded, except in 1919, by a relatively large net immigration. 
The seasonal movement is not eliminated from this chart and, 
consequently, some of the lower points toward the end of each year 
are largely due to the normal coincidence of low immigration and 
high emigration in the late fall. 
Before endeavoring to make a more refined analysis of the relation 
of net immigration to employment conditions, let us note briefly the 
characteristics of the cyclical fluctuations in monthly male emigra- 
tion in the few years prior to the war for which such data are 
Male Emigration: 1910-1914. 
The cyclical fluctuations in emigration are the inverse of the 
cyclical fluctuations in immigration. When industry booms, im- 
migration increases and emigration decreases; when industry is 
dull, immigration declines and emigration increases. This inverse 
correlation of the inflow and outflow of aliens may be illustrated 
by comparing the monthly data in Chart 19 for male immigrants, 
male emigrants, and pig iron production, all three series being ad- 
justed so as to eliminate the typical influence of seasonal factors. 

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