Full text: Migration and business cycles

table, showing the percentage decline in the depression years ending 
June 30, 1904, 1908, 1911, and 1922, respectively, as compared with 
the number of arrivals in the relatively high years immediately 
Table 39 
Year ending June 30 Male immigration Female immigration 
1904 —10.4 + 8.1 
1908 —45.5 —22.3 
1911 —22.6 + 1.0 
1922 —66.7 —55.1 
In 1904 and 1911, the immigration of females even increased 
slightly, and in each of the other two depression years the decrease 
was less than that in male immigration of the corresponding period. 
The greater stability of the movement of incoming alien females 
is further illustrated in Chart 27, on an earlier page in this chapter. 
The fluctuations in neither ‘female immigrants” nor ‘‘female non- 
immigrants’ are as decided as the corresponding fluctuations in the 
number of arriving male aliens. This fact is particularly noticeable 
prior to the war. 
Emigration by Sex. 
The number of outgoing females is somewhat less variable than 
that of males. For example, in 1909, when industrial conditions in 
the United States were improving, the decline in the number of 
departing females is relatively smaller; likewise in 1917, and again 
in 1921 and 1922. 
The less pronounced movement of female emigration is illustrated 
by the curves in Chart 28, on page 143. All the curves—male and 
female emigrant and male and female nonemigrant—fell sharply 
during the war, but in both the pre-war and post-war periods, the 
fluctuations in female departures are somewhat less violent than 
those of male departures. There are exceptions to this tendency, 
such as the decline in “emigrant” females in 1924. 
Inasmuch as ordinarily there are no marked differences in direction 
in the fluctuations of the emigration of the sexes, and as males are 
numerically the larger element in the total, for both emigrants and 
nonemigrants the curves for the combined numbers of males and 
females closely resemble the curves for males alone, although their 
fluctuations are toned down slightly by the lesser fluctuations of 
the female element.

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